A Community of Hope
Keith Wasserman Founder & Executive Director 
I made the WIDOW’S heart sing
I took up the case of the STRANGER
I was a father to the FATHERLESS (Job 29:12-17)
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Keith took this photo which reflects some of the beauty of Southeast Ohio. It was taken along the bike path in Athens in mid-July
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From Left: Morgan is leading a weekly intern meeting with Heather, Ana and Luke who have participated in the Summer Service Internship.

Summer 2024
greetings with JOY and gratitude from all of us in the Community of HOPE!!
For many years, we have tried to live into this motto: What we do emerges from who we are. In addition to all of our initiatives, the Good Works Community gathers together several times during the week on mornings and afternoons to update, encourage one another, and “spur one-another on” in our journey of love, and faith and service. Our Friday afternoon meeting often starts with a song and a reading from the Psalms. We then spend time updating one another about all of the different things we have been doing or experiencing that week. Then we take time to offer words of gratitude, encouragement, and affirmation to one another. When our words come from a sincere heart, they are potent and transformative. There are different ways to offer someone affirmation; sending a note, writing an email, sending a card or just taking someone aside and privately offering them a few words of encouragement.  Affirmation face to face in a group setting is one way we build community. This Summer, we are also spending time talking about the broad issues of how people heal, what causes poverty, how to help people without hurting them, and how be good stewards of the resources God has trusted us with. We are also wrestling with the question HOW DO PEOPLE CHANGE?  Here is a short reflection I wrote on how people change: People change over time by being in/staying in a community where they are known, loved, and where they receive the grace of Jesus. People change over time when they feel heard, respected (not judged), safe, and can offer their gifts and skills in an atmosphere of accountability where they are appreciated and valued.  Where HOPE is nurtured by love; not by experts but by ordinary yet specific people who themselves are growing in love; people who value and practice truthfulness in their relationships; who are themselves teachable, kind, willing to grow and willing to live in accountable nurturing relationships. Of course, there is always an “our part” in the process of change. To heal, we must be willing to stay in community, receive love, be vulnerable, work through our “stuff”, and accept some responsibility. Hurt people hurt people; but healed people heal people. I pray that we would be a community where both adults and children find healing and experience “the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living”. (Psalm 27:13)

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Heather and Ben worked alongside Morgan (center) for 7 weeks this summer directing our Summer Kids Discovery Club. This is Morgan’s third year as the director. Heather served as part of her Summer Service Internship. Ben participated in the Discovery Club as a child and has served as an intern and summer staff. Ben is the son of Terri Woodson who has been on the GW staff for over 25 years!
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Kids Discovery Club took place Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon (for 7 weeks) and was followed by Summer Lunch. We are so thankful for Darlene Wasserman and her “kitchen crew” each day!

“You have to come Grandpa, it’s a community!” a delightful girl who was part of Summer Kid’s Discovery Club said, while insisting that her grandfather come to Summer Lunch. As I listened to her grandmother tell me this story my heart was lifted up. That pretty extraordinary young gal had seen beyond the meal, beyond the activities and games to the heart of the matter. We are a community, and we seek to create and draw others into community. To know that child had seen and understood that truth made me feel that what we were doing was worthwhile and right. – Darlene Wasserman (Darlene has been involved with Good Works from the beginning). She now oversees the sponsoring groups for Friday Night Life and many other “behind the scenes” essentials. This summer she has been leading our volunteers in preparing Summer Lunch 4 days a week.

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Beginning in the Spring of 2024, Sophie Mather-Smith led, and we planted 7 gardens in the Athens County community. Our Summer Works Retreats and Transformation Station volunteers helped to care for these gardens alongside the people we serve through Neighbors Helping Neighbors. 

I had known Gordon outside of my role at Good Works for several years.  He had some physical disabilities that limited what he could do but got much meaning out of being the primary caregiver of his aging mother.  When Gordon’s mother suddenly passed away his demeanor dramatically changed for the worse.  Loneliness poured out through social withdrawal and dwindling physical health.  God has used Good Works to show me that poverty is not merely economic but also social.  Gordon could pay his bills but felt utterly alone.  So, I began to invite him to do things, but he never would follow through.  After months of invitations, he showed up to Friday Night Life and was greeted by friendly people who ate and chatted with him.  Slowly he opened up to jokes, friendship, and connection.  It then dawned on me that we are the body of Christ.  Gordon didn’t just need “me”, he needed “us”.  He’s now a regular participant in the Friday Night Life community and my frequent guest at the movies or a lunch.  Through individual and community care he is finding encouragement and connection. – Aaron Duncan (Aaron shared some of the leadership responsibilities at Friday Night Life in addition to his role of I.T. Coordinator and all-around friendly guy)

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Good Works Country Bed and Breakfast provides ‘hotel-like’ overnight accommodations to guests. Revenue from the B&B helps cover most of our utilities on the Good Works property.
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New staff for Sign of HOPE arrived in July. We plan to launch this new Good Works initiative along with Loads of HOPE (our laundromat) by early September. 

  • Friday Night Life started year #32 in May. We still rely upon groups to sponsor the meal once year!
  • We are looking for a volunteer interested in organizing a display for the Good Works archives. Do you know someone who finds joy in this? If so, have them contact us.
  • We give thanks for the 7 gardens we were able to plan this summer all over Athens County.
  • For 7 weeks this summer, Good Works provided the Summer Kids Discovery Club and Summer Lunch. Morgan Lanier (with support from other GW staff and interns) directed about 25+ kids (M-TH) from 9 to noon. Darlene Wasserman coordinated the 10+ volunteers who came alongside us to prepare lunch.
  • We are preparing to provide two vehicles to participants in the Transformation Station soon. Heart-felt thanks for the kindness and generosity of the people who have donated cars!
  • We are grateful for our summer interns (Ana, Luke & Heather and summer staff (Ben & Luke)
  • We were grateful to host several Summer Work Retreats groups who literally “made the widows heart sing” as they visited and served seniors at their homes this summer. We are scheduling groups for the fall and for Saturday Service starting in September.
  • The Reunion of Good Works staff, interns and board members was simply wonderful. Wonderful!
  • Planning for our annual DAY IN THE LIFE event scheduled for Saturday December 7th in Athens has started. Our vision is to create several educational experiences around specific issues those who experience homelessness face. We are aware of and want to communicate some of the challenges and struggles adults and children experience here in rural Ohio.  Please come!

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This is the back side of the DAY IN THE LIFE t-shirts. We are all making plans to host an experience for the community on Saturday morning December 7th here in Athens
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Friday Night Life (4:30 to 7:30 pm) includes activities for adults and children both before and after dinner. 

IN CLOSING I want to share a few brief reflections from the staff and volunteers about where they find JOY at Good Works. Here are some of their answers:
  1. When residents of the Timothy House (TH) communicate well with each other and are comforted by each other and enjoy learning from each other.
  2. When I see folks learn how to receive affirmation.
  3. Watching our volunteers grow and gain confidence!
  4. Hearing someone around the TH dinner table tell us they are grateful to stay there after sleeping outside the night before.
  5. I get joy from seeing the fellowship at Friday Night Life, especially when former residents of the TH come and play games and laugh!
  6. To see our neighbors (Neighbors Helping Neighbors) be so surprised by the kindness of others who come to serve them from a different state.
  7. When we take volunteers to a neighbor’s house and the volunteer and the neighbor share that they have a previous connection.
  8. People in volunteer groups who write us notes of encouragement.
  9. When people come and donate things from our needs list on a regular basis.
  10. The longevity and continuity of faithful ministry.
  11. Those jokes at FNL and the singing that puts everyone at ease and builds community in an authentic way.
  12. When an agency calls to refer someone; when they validate that our process is good, and they aren’t frustrated with us.
  13. Seeing the children of former staff volunteer or intern.
  14. Residents who volunteer to cook or share other gifts.
  15. The faithful giving to GW over many years and the letters we receive which remind us that people believe in what we are doing!
  16. The volunteers who come and work alongside us from Work Retreat Groups – how excited they are do something practical for people.
  17. Trust. A child kept coming back to Summer Lunch because he trusted us.
  18. A lady who volunteered for a car arrived not knowing exactly what to expect. She grew to want to be here and enjoyed her time here and obtained a car for her family.
  19. Some Work Retreat Groups learn about GW from other groups who have come to serve, and the participants often see their mission trip as a ‘reunion’ of friends who no longer live in proximity to the church.
  20. There is a man who contributes to GW by finding out the needs we have for tools/supplies and does a fund raiser for us to fund some of the materials.
  21. We meet a lot of people through our Bed & Breakfast, and we often ask them how they found out about us. Many of those people ask about our needs list and some leave things from our needs list when they stay.

PS - If you would like to participate in the mission and ministry of Good Works through giving, you can send a gift to:
Good Works
PO Box 4,
Athens, Ohio 45701
Or visit the MAKE A DONATION part of our website

P.O. Box 4
Athens, Ohio 45701, United States