Dear First name / friend
August is here already, Spring is around the corner - and so too is our workshop on electronic sheep tags for sheep (and goats). More information is available later in this newsletter and we have fixed the registration link. It’s sure to be a popular one, so make sure you register. 
I have also been reading Phil Graham’s seasonal update on Farming Forecaster for Tassie (available here if you haven’t received it from Tim at NRM South) - and his quick summary is:  “Most areas have OK, at worst, soil moisture in the top 10 to 15cm.” 
There is generally a feeling that the recent rains have got us out of the woods so to speak - until the next dry period! 
We have a few more save the dates to share for great events coming up, including our AGM coming up on September 4th, Future Scenario Workshop, Farmers in Emerging Industries Workshop and the People & Culture Workshop series. 
I hope to see as many of you as possible at the eID tag workshop on the 21st of August. As always, please reach out if you have any questions, or information to share.
Stay warm!
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Regional Drought Resilience 
Since early this year, I have had the pleasure of sitting on the Project Advisory Group for the Regional Drought Resilience Plan for Southern Tasmania. The plan is being developed to provide guidance for future planning, and it has been distilled down into the themes of Flourishing Communities, Prosperous Local Economies, Resilient Landscapes and Climate-Conscious Built Environments.
There have been a series of community conversations held across Southern Tasmania to inform this plan. You can have your say via an online survey that allows you to nominate your top priorities and share ideas.You can also give feedback on the goals and visions that are informing the plan.

Farmers in Emerging Industries
RMCG and AgriFutures Australia are very excited to be delivering training using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) for farmers in emerging industries.
We have a face-to-face workshop coming up in Tassie. This workshop will introduce participants to using the BMC process for planning and folks will leave at the end of the day with a usable plan for their business.
This workshop will be in Launceston (venue TBD) on Thursday the 22nd of August. The event is free and will be fully catered. Registrations close on the 15th of August and you can register here.

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RMCG are very excited to be delivering our People and Culture series this August around the state. Click here for the flyer with links to the event registration pages. It would be greatly appreciated if you could pass this info on to any growers you think would find this beneficial. 
Here's a bit more info:
This project is being coordinated by the Resilient Farming Tasmania Program and is supported by Tasmanian Women in Agriculture. We have some great speakers on the day and will be hearing from
  • Rural Business Tasmania on succession planning,
  • Rural Alive and Well on mental health and wellbeing,
  • Primary Employers Tas on how to get the most out of your farm team and updates on changes to industrial relations laws,
  • and Sally Murfet from Inspire Ag on effective communication.
You will be hearing from the Resilient Farming Tas project team on what the project is about. This is an occasion to ask questions and see how the program can benefit you and your farm. The event is free and is a great opportunity for networking, learning, and sharing experiences.

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14635 Tasman Highway
Swansea, Tasmania 7190, Australia