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August 2024
Quilt Guild Meeting is August 12, 2024 @ 7 pm 
Location is First Baptist West Church 73th and NW Cache Rd in Lawton, OK

Letter from the President
Hello Fellow Quilters!
As I write this, the temperatures haven't cooled down any, but then it is August. Hope everyone is staying busy with quilting. I am in the middle of two quilts and my room is organized messy. It will stay that way until my top is completed. It is at this time that I think my room is not large enough for my organized chaos. It is also at this time when I look through my chaos that I find fabric I purchased with good intentions and since then forgot. I hope to see some fantastic quilts at Brag and Drag. I did go to the Edmond quilt show last week and saw some pretty fantastic quilts. I even saw one I did over 20 years ago, gave to my Mom and have since gotten it back.
Don't forget to bring your most favorite quilting tool to meeting and be prepared to explain why it is your most favorite.
See you at meeting.
Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild President

Program for August
Rulers & Tools
Everyone Bring your favorite ruler/tool & be ready to demonstrate. 

Tentative Schedule for Programs
September 9 intro to faces- Kathy Hepner
September 14 Faces workshop 12 pm - 6 pm @ First Baptist West- 
Spaces still available contact
October 14- Potato Chip Quilting- bring machine and supplies
November 11- Color/Value Theory- Marilyn Sikes
December 9- Christmas Party Potluck - bring a dish to share and a donation to the C. Carter Crane Homeless Shelter House.

Sew Social
Hello Sew Social Stars!
What a fantastic time we had on July 8! 🎉 Grissel knocked it out of the park by finishing a baby quilt and making great strides on binding another. Marilyn Sikes and Peggy Coe teamed up on yet another adorable baby quilt, while Pat put together a beautiful new one. And let’s not forget Vicki and Barbara, who were busy stitching away with enthusiasm!
Mark your calendars for our next Sew Social on September 9 at 4 pm. You won’t want to miss it—let’s keep the creativity and fun rolling!
Can’t wait to see you there!

Treasurers Report
Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild  Treasurer's Report  
26 June - 28 July 2024Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild  
Opening Balance $14,181.06
Membership $45.00
Bank interest $1.12
Ways and Means $31.00
Total $77.12 
*Storage funds transferred to show account$138.00 $138.00  
Ending Balance $14,120.18
Submitted by Marilyn Sikes, Treasurer, 28 July 2024 
*  Funds will be transferred monthly to pay for storage to show account.  This allows for activity on both accounts and avoids inactivity fees.
Marilyn Sikes

Guild Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2024
 The meeting was called to order by president Peggy Coe at 7:00pm. 
Vicki Nightingale moved to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter. Anke Baker seconded the motion.  Motion passed.
Barbara Johnston moved to accept the treasurer’s report as printed in the newsletter.  Teresa Crabtree seconded the motion.  Motion passed.
           Mandy Ralston shared that the next quilt show will be February 12-13-14, 2026 in the main area of the Great Plains Coliseum. The theme of the show is ‘Quilting Across Generations’.  If members are interested in volunteering to help with the Quilt Show Committee, please contact Mandy.  The following agenda will occur to present the quilt show.
  • Wednesday, Feb 11 – poles up
  • Thursday, Feb 12 AM – hang quilts
  • Thursday, Feb 12 PM – Area schools are invited to attend.
Mandy has applied for 3 grants.  Billingsley Ford will sponsor the show.
           The Community Service Chair, Tracy Crumley has three quilts that need to be quilted.  She states that the sew day, today, was quite productive.
           Peggy gave an update on quilt rack progress.  She spoke to the previous vendor.  The company had records of previous orders and will be e-mailing Peggy a quote for needed supplies.  We are asking the welding instructor at Great Plains Technology Center to make the needed bases.
           Beverly reminded us about the current Heart Challenge. Make a two dimensional project with the theme of HEART.  Size must be less than 120 inches in perimeter.  Any technique is open – embellishment, applique, revere applique, foundation piecing, group project, etc. – the sky is the limit.  Projects are due at the December 9, 2024 meeting. They will be displayed at the Leslie Powell Gallery in February 2025.
           Peggy read us a letter from the Red River Quilt Guild stating that they are having a quilt show September 6-7, 2024 in Wichita Falls, Texas.   
Drag & Brag
  • Vicki Nightingale – wall hanging from her Hawaii trip, a quilt from a Wichita Falls Mystery Bear Claw class
  • Barbara Johnston – her creative juices are flowing again.  She showed the first quilt she has completed in a long time.
  • Cathy McDanel – brown bag mystery, sponsored by Karen Montgomery.
  • Peggy Coe – scrappy strips quilt made from blocks found in the storage unit.
  • Donna Klein – Kansas Troubles quilt, Krista Moser Fall Foliage quilt from OQSO, and another OQSO quilt with ribbons on it.
  • Lee Diaz – Red/white/blue quilt made from leftover fabrics and a scrappy quilt with pinwheels.
  • Kelly Turner – Two Pokémon appliques with fabric paint.
The Edmond Quilt Show will be the last weekend of July.
           A note was read to the Guild, thanking them for Monday nights and the moments we have shared.
           Peggy has about twenty Pfaff 5.0 bobbins, free to a good home.
           Our program tonight is about SCRAPS with Janet Light. She showed and spoke about 10-12 quilts made from scrappy squares and strips.  Barbara Johnston showed us ideas on how to store all those scraps.
           Meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.
LaDonna Meyer
Guild Secretary

OQSO Information
OQSO holds two retreats each year featuring national and local teachers. The
national featured teachers in the past have been Jane Sassaman, Karen Combs,
Ellen Anne Eddy, Elsie Campbell, Peggy Barkley, Marsha McCloskey, Flavin
Glover, Debbie Caffrey, Sarah J. Maxwell, and recently Krista Moser.
The spring retreat is held on the 4th Friday in March at Sequoyah State Lodge,
formerly Western Hills Guest Lodge, in Wagoner, OK.
The fall retreat is held on the 3rd Friday in September at Lake Murray Lodge in
Ardmore, OK.
Each retreat features classes of all skill levels. There are classes, contests,
block lotteries, giveaways, and open sewing areas so you can sew on whatever
you choose.
There is one business meeting where we share event happenings in OK. We
also share the triumphs of our membership.
The membership is $15 a calendar year (January-December). Registration fee is
$30 per retreat. Class fees for members teaching are $25 for a half day class
and $35 for a full day class. National teacher class fees are $30 for half day
classes and $45 for full day classes. The OQSO newsletter notification is sent
via email twice a year. The newsletter will be available for download on our
website,, late January for spring and late July for fall retreat.
You can email through the website to be added to the email list. You are
responsible for making your reservations at the lodge. Be sure to tell the desk
you are with OQSO so you get the group discount.
In order to attend you will have to download the registration page, fill it out,
include the fees, mail it to the address on the bottom of the page and you
are set. If you are taking classes your supply list will be emailed after the
registration deadline has closed. The information for each retreat is in
each newsletter. Please read the complete newsletter. Hope to see you at the retreat.

Guild Officers
President       Peggy Coe     
V President       Barbara Johnston
Secretary         LaDonna Myers
Treasurer         Marilyn Sikes
Programs      Beverly Martine
Hospitality       Anke Baker
Community Sew     Traci Crumley
TLC               Peggy Coe
Ways & Means     
 Anke Baker & Teresa Crabtree
Membership        Vicki Nightingale
Publicity         Kathy Hepner
Newsletter        Beverly Martine
Social Media & Web Site     
 Beverly Martine & Vicki Nightingale
Quilt Show 2026    Mandy Ralston
Please check your membership roster for contact information.

The Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild can be found on 
Mailing Address is 
PO BOX 7094
LAWTON, OK 73505-7094

506 W C Ave
Cache, OK 73527, USA