Aspire News: July 2024

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
-Nelson Mandela

Why Are We Passionate About Literacy?
Dispatches from a Literacy Conference
In an age where technology saturates every aspect of our lives, it’s easy to overlook the foundational importance of reading, writing, and comprehension. These abilities are not merely practical skills or academic requisites; they are fundamental human rights that underpin our capacity to participate in society and exercise our freedoms fully.
Consider reading. It is the key to unlocking the world’s knowledge and connecting us to histories, cultures, and ideas beyond our immediate experience. When Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” he emphasized the transformative power of literacy. Without the ability to read, individuals are excluded from this transformative power. They cannot engage with the news, participate in informed debates, or access educational resources.
Writing, in turn, empowers individuals to express their thoughts, aspirations, and grievances. It is a tool for advocacy, documenting experiences, and engaging with others. Imagine a world where most people could not communicate their needs or contribute to societal discourse through written means. Such a world would be one where voices are stifled and injustices are left unaddressed.
Comprehension, the third pillar, is equally vital. It is not enough to decode text; you must understand and interpret it. Comprehension bridges the gap between information and application. It enables individuals to evaluate information critically, make informed decisions, and participate meaningfully in discussions.
These literacy skills are deeply entwined with human dignity. When people are literate, they have the power to shape their own lives and futures. To champion literacy is to champion human dignity. We must advocate for educational systems that reach everyone, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. We must support initiatives that provide resources and training to those in need. We must remember that the right to read, write, and comprehend is not just about accessing information but empowering individuals to realize their potential and fully contribute to a just society.
In essence, literacy is the foundation upon which fundamental rights are built. 
- Paul DiBiase 
Aspire Interim President and CEO

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Fall Into Learning: Aspire's 2024 Fall Registration is Now Open! 
Aspire is thrilled to announce that the doors are open for our highly anticipated 2024 Fall Registration!
We are ready to welcome enthusiastic learners who are eager to continue their educational journey. Prospective students can enroll in classes tailored to their skill levels and learning preferences.
Aspire offers a program to meet a variety of needs with classes in:
  • ESL
  • GED
  • Workforce training
  • Adult Basic Education
Our team is here to teach and support our students in achieving their goals. We are dedicated to bridging the pathways to success with online and in-person options for both ESL and GED classes.
Registration is open until August 15, with classes beginning on Monday, September 9.
Our passionate staff and volunteer instructors bring a wealth of experience and dedication, ensuring every learner receives exceptional guidance and support on their educational journey.
Do you know someone ready to take the leap? Please encourage them to register for classes at

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Aspire Needs YOUR Help!
Aspire is looking for ESL teaching volunteers at our partner locations across Dallas and volunteers to teach GED preparation classes online.
We welcome both experienced and novice instructors. Aspire students have a deep desire to improve, and our volunteers receive the joy of experiencing personal growth while watching their students grow.
If you have not taught adults, we will help you gain the skills to be an effective instructor. We provide the curriculum, training, and support.
Join us as we work together to help make a lasting mark in people’s lives.
Learn more and apply at

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Triumphs in Education: Celebrating SEE Program Students
Whenever we get to celebrate our SEE students, it is a great day! The Summer SEE Program Recognition Ceremony was filled with excitement and pride as our students, staff, and volunteer instructors gathered to celebrate.
This ceremony was inspiring because many students were advancing from one level to the next, which only shows how dedicated each adult learner is to their progress.
Aspire's SEE program, created by the Shelton School of Dallas, supports adults with visual or auditory processing challenges. It offers specialized instruction tailored to these unique needs using a structured approach to learning English. The program's small group classes, led by dedicated volunteer instructors, focus on patience and personalized teaching.
The Adult Education Director, Jessica Martinez, opened the ceremony with a heartfelt welcome. She praised the students and instructors for their hard work and highlighted the students' educational journeys, noting the significance of each milestone they reached.
As each student received their certificate of completion, the transformation in their confidence was palpable. Many had begun the SEE program with uncertainty, unsure of what lay ahead. Now, their progress was evident, not only in their academic achievements but also in their newfound confidence, a testament to the hope and optimism the SEE program instills.
The ceremony concluded with a powerful and uplifting message from our Interim CEO and President, Paul DiBiase. His encouraging words, filled with support and positivity, resonated with everyone in the room, leaving them uplifted and ready to continue their educational journeys.

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North Texas Giving Day Is Just Around the Corner!
Early Giving Opens September 1!
This year on Thursday, September 19, 2024, Aspire is participating in Communities Foundation of Texas’ NTX Giving Day, a one-day online giving extravaganza for our whole region. 
Last year, we were part of the success as Communities Foundation of Texas brought together over 3,200 local nonprofits like us to raise $63.9 million for our region. When we give together, we grow together! NTX Giving Day is for everyone, no matter the size of your gift!
Since its founding in 2009, NTX Giving Day has inspired people to get up and give, resulting in increased donations and services provided in North Texas. We invite you to join the movement and help make a difference in the lives of our courageous students on September 19.
Here's how you can help:
1. Get up and give on September 19!
Your gift matters! Not available on September 19? No worries! Make your gift early between September 1 and September 18!
2. Spread the word!
Spread the word to your friends and loved ones about Aspire and NTX Giving Day! Don’t forget to tag @aspirereadytolearn (Facebook), @aspire_tolearn (Instagram), @Aspire_ToLearn (Twitter) use the #NTxGivingDay. 
Encourage your friends and family to get up and give as well! 
3. Follow us!
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up to date on NTX Giving Day!
For more information on how you can help Aspire on NTX Giving Day, September 19, please reach out to

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Are you keeping up with us on social? Follow us on your preferred platform below! 

PO Box 570159
Dallas, TX 75357, United States
Formerly known as LIFT and Aberg Center for Literacy
Copyright © 2024 Aspire • Aspire is a 501(c)(3). Our registration number is 75-1095223