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Summer Sketchbook Un-Slump Prompt 3
Each time I have done a survey asking “what type of medium are you most excited about or interested in", watercolor has always been the most popular! This week I thought we could take a closer look at this versatile medium. 
If you are not a fan of using watercolors don't worry--there are still ways you can use this prompt and I actually feel like it presents an interesting challenge if you're in this camp! (I can relate--this isn't the medium I normally gravitate towards!) 
I also feel like for me, watercolor has felt difficult in the past because I wasn't familiar with how to use it and because I was imagining it being used in a more realistic manner when I am more drawn to abstract paintings. I discovered it doesn't always have to be realistic but also that sometimes doing what I normally don't do is kinda fun! I encourage you to keep an open mind, to play and discover, and maybe try something you might not think you would enjoy--it could surprise you and either way you will learn something from it! 
If you are a watercolor fan, I hope you have a lot of fun embracing all that you enjoy about it and discover even more reasons to love it!
Below are some ideas and inspiration to help you brainstorm, get started, and explore our third prompt. The first part is more tutorial based and the second part is more open ended.

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  • Water & Color If watercolor is not something that peaks your interests or inspires you, consider water and color separately this week. How can you create in a way that speaks to you with water? What colors can you focus on? How can you incorporate water and color in a way that helps you express your ideas and imagination on paper?
  • Just Play Forget the tutorials--take out some water, paint brushes, and paper and play! Don't have an end image in mind. Dip your brush in and see what happens. Start with one stroke then build on it. Don't forget to have some tissues or cotton on hand to dab and create texture, try adding salt, and don't forget to add some splatters (my favorite :))
  • Soft & Bold Here is a page of examples of bold and soft watercolors. Which do you like? Create a piece inspired by your favorite elements.
  • Mix Even though our prompt is watercolor, try mixing it up with different mediums: a watercolor background with marker/pen outlines and doodles on top, using both watercolors and acrylic, adding watercolor to paper then cutting them up to make a collage, etc.
  • Fashion I majored in Fashion Design because I loved how beautiful the illustrations are! Here are a few videos if you're interested in this topic! Dior Gown, urban fashion figures, Dolce & Gabbana
  • “Remember the feeling…” Watching the making of Disney's UP was what inspired me to get my first set of watercolors as an adult (which I still use today!)--I saw the artists using it on location and it really inspired me. I found this clip of part of this segment and this line really stood out to me (speaking of the remote otherworldly location in Venezuela): “We took thousands of pictures, we did sketches, anything we could do to help us remember the feeling and try as much as we could to capture it in the film itself.” I feel like this is a lot of what art is--capturing a feeling, a moment, a place, and sharing it with others. If you have the movie UP with the extras, I recommend checking it out! What do you want to capture and share?

Let things flow and see how it can transform you sketchbook this week!
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