Hi friends! I just returned from the Texas Regional SAQA retreat. It was great to see friends, meet new folks, visit our art quilt exhibition and hear lots of artists talk about their work. We met at a ranch surrounded by fields and wide open spaces. The fog rolled in on Sunday morning obscuring everything I'd noticed the day before. This got me thinking about other memorable pieces of media related to fog. Here are a few for your inspiration. Then after the fog clears, scroll down for new artwork, exhibition news, recommendations and gift ideas in my shop. |
- Texas Ranch I took this picture during our SAQA regional retreat. Maybe you can just barely see the line of trees through the fog. I have a broken wrist so it was an opportunity to just sit, watch, listen, chat and let the fog of this setback envelop me and it was fine.. lovely, even at times. I am inspired to continue to try to find these kinds of moments even when it's hard.
- Sandburg's Poem You probably know this poem. If not, click through to read it. It's only six lines and 21 words. I am entranced by its brevity. It makes me think about how I could simplify my artwork. Where could I do less? What are the small elements that make big impact?
- Noah Kalina Photographs I've followed Noah for years and especially love his photographs of landscapes in fog. His latest newsletter is full of foggy images and ideas about moving through tough times.
Multiple Truths, 52x21", 2024 |
I created this art quilt collage for the Texas SAQA regional exhibition, Texas State of Mind. It took me a long time to settle on a way to explore this theme. Eventually I decided on the suggestion of a landscape along with ladders and printed chairs. My artist statement reads, “There are many things I love about Texas including enriching opportunities, stunning natural and urban beauty, and interesting people. There are also things that I find troublesome including social divisions, poor public infrastructure and support, and conservative policies and laws. People make many assumptions about Texas, but it’s not one thing. It’s full of individuals living their lives in the best ways they know how. Some are thriving, some are struggling and there are many in between. I’d like to spend more time sitting my neighbors, sharing our ideas about the world and working together for the greater good of all people.” |
I'm featured in a new article on TextileArtist about organizing your studio space. I'm always thrilled to be invited to contribute to their articles. It's an amazing website full of artist profiles, inspiration and other resources. Look for some snippets of the quilt pictured above in the article. Here's a link to the sketchbook I mention. It's my fave! |
Multiple Truths at the Texas SAQA Regional exhibition opening. Near and Far at the Fresh Ideas exhibition in Lewisville, TX and Percolating in the Quilts=Art=Quilts opening in Auburn, NY. |
Gathering #1, #2, #3, #4, 5x7" mounted on 8x10" boards, $85 each I created this series of four art quilt collages titled Gathering. They are inspired by the idea of gathering together possibilities and stacking them up to inspire exploration. The stone shapes are the focal point for each design and are complimented by layers of fabric, color and stitch. Tiny French knots are nestled between the stones and a lone embroidered sprout stands tall alongside the cairn. Each piece includes fabric printed with my own handwriting and other original surface design. |
These small art quilt collage would make wonderful gifts! Or a wonderful start of a collection of fiber art. These and others are available in my shop. |
I took this photo at the same spot where I took that foggy photo at the Texas SAQA retreat. There is a metaphor there. I'll let you decide what it symbolizes for you. |
Use the code FOG15 for 15% off anything in my Etsy shop through December 1. |
Do you have a favorite piece of foggy artwork? Tell me about it. |
632 York Court Lewisville, TX 75056, United States |