The inspiration behind this book + exclusive ARC giveaway for tonight <3 
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Soooo, we're TWO DAYS away from the release of FOREVER WRITING YOU (an emotionally-charged novella with SPICE) and I'm emailing to share some insight into how this story came to be. 
A few weeks ago, my life was in a very shitty place.
Nothing was going right. I felt beyond overwhelmed, and I was asking the same three questions I'd been asking myself since I became a mommy…
When will this motherhood/full-time career thing get easier? When will things go back to how they used to be? Why am I struggling so much after working so hard to get it together? (I could've sworn I had a handle on this new lifestyle.)
Alas, I was going through an old Pinterest board of mine, and I stumbled upon a favorite quote:
“You can be shattered, and then you can put yourself back together piece by piece. But what can happen over time is this: You wake up one day and realize that you have put yourself back together completely differently. That you are whole, finally, and strong - but you are now a different shape, a different size.”
--Glennon Doyle Melton--
I've spent so much time trying to be who I used to be for the past couple of years… so many days struggling (& failing) to be someone I'm not anymore. 
That realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and it just so happened to coincide with me staring at my overgrown "I'll get back to working on it someday" garden, so I went outside and began pulling all the weeds in the rain.
When I was done, I went to a nearby nursery and bought plants I'd been intending to buy for years. Then, I brought them home and prepared their new homes for fall planting.
While I was working, the story of a woman named Dahlia who was dealing with the loss of her mother (while also missing "the one who got away")  began unraveling in my mind.
After completing my gardening work for the day, I sat at my kitchen table, and the story flew from my fingertips. It was so fast and fun that I wanted to get it straight to you without much fanfare.
Something I want to do a lot more of this year because…
Well, when I think about it, this is much better, and every book doesn't have to be released the same way. :-)
When you meet Dahlia and Everett this Friday, I hope you'll laugh, cry, and love their romance, as it was indeed a JOY to write.
I can't wait to share more-- a LOT more--about this story. 
I'm including the synopsis at the bottom of this email + the ARC giveaway below!
ARC Giveaway: If you want to read this novella tonight (you'll fly right through this super fast-paced read), just share your name/email + tell me your favorite book of mine via the form below. It will close within an hour, we'll select 25 readers at random, and you'll get an email with the ARC if you win!
**If you don't win, don't worry. I'm releasing another book in a couple of weeks and will give away A LOT more.**
Until tomorrow,
P.S. Don't forget to pre-order I Wish I Would've Warned You!
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A.I.T.A: My ex-boyfriend (& first true love) is about to get married, but his fiancee is cheating on him. I'm tempted to send him a message and let him know. Would that make me an a**hole?
Looking back, maybe I should've posted my question on the internet first instead of acting on it.
Maybe if I'd just minded my business and let him go as I did before, then I could've focused on my own grief and the sad state of my life.
Then again, maybe he shouldn't have responded...
Remember: This will be a live Amazon/Kindle Unlimited launch, so there's no pre-order link. 
P.O. Box 242
EADS, TN 38028, USA