Diamonds are made under pressure
The coldest Winter I ever experienced 
was the summer in san francisco - Mark Twain
My trio bundled at the beach in Nor Cal
This Summer has ironically been one of my favorites.
Smith started summer break two weeks before the Summer Solstice back in June and doesn’t go back to school until after Labor Day. Has it gone by fast? Not at all in the best way imaginable. The power of presence in action with changes galore!
In the kitchen we have several mantras. One of them is that we pivot and we flow. Our resilience is solid, and we are growing.

We have hired our first administrative ambassador, Caroline!
And have a new Chef who joined our team, Jimmy!
Harvest has started and our calendar is gratefully full! 
I started writing these monthly newsletters more consistently last November with the intention of hosting a monthly pop up in the shop. Little did I know a children’s book would emerge (stay tuned) in addition to an invite to be the food vendor at the Marchè Holiday Marketplace this upcoming holiday season for over 2K people, and to top it off, the possibility of reopening our downtown Napa corner shop with a super fun, LA inspired concept and vibe.
Is there a lot going on in your life too?

Do you remember 0-6 years old?
Not sure there is a more imperative time in life. When I read natal charts, the 1st-6th ‘houses’ are what’s known as the under belly or internal landscape. As if to say that 0-6 is how we prepare ourselves interpersonally to face the ‘outer world’ of others beginning at 7.

In many ways, I feel that lately I am building the evidence back to myself. As though every event and person is showing me aspects from my entire life movie. And I’m about to make a plot twist.
I have been seeking a coach for years to support the development of my soul gifts. I was accepted into a 13 week container with one of my mentors, Mama Medicine. It is an apprenticeship returning to my original essence. I am an Earth mother. And nurturing Smith into his genius through knowing mine is a large part of my purpose. I also believe I am here to be an advocate, mentor and guide; my hands hold power and I my intuitive gifts are developing beautifully. 
And so, the next few months will be full.

I am not sure whether I am going to keep my monthly newsletters. Although, I really love to write and am filled up by those of you who share how much you enjoy reading each month, a lot goes into writing well. We will see whether I stick to once a month or simply pop into your inbox when I have announcements and invites. 

What I love most right now is being in flow, my cognition in human design is passive after all. I absolutely love to cook and am good at it which makes it that much more fun. And I love to sit in session with souls through my gentle guidance practice- I send voice notes, write letters and hop on calls.
If I were speaking in shadow, I would say, what in the world does this have to do with La Saison. And in my power I say, everything.

How are La Saison, Gentle Guidance and my intuitive soul gifts combined. I trust that the spirit of the season will reveal in time. God can’t give us more when we only have one toe in the water of the dreams we want to claim.
For now, this is September at La Saison.

Life is an orchestration of synchronic events. There is symbolism everywhere creating notes to your melody. Everything is connected to everything else in perfect harmony. Precision is everywhere. The more we start seeing and trusting the synchronicities, the more we relax and enter into harmony. Where your focus goes, your energy goes. You got to trust it when you see it and simply know it to be true. This is how one develops their intuition (the way God speaks to us). 

There is no greater or more imperative time to own your gifts.

I receive great comfort when looking up at the stars remembering how small I am and yet how important my existence is. I go to bed in prayer and wake up in prayer and am in constant gratitude for everything. It’s all welcome on my soundtrack.
Below, you will find a brief description of the cosmic terrain of where we have been and where we are headed during this next larger cycle. Read for your Sun sign and rising if you know both and let me know if this message resonates.
Aries: The last 20 years you have been planting the seeds for how (and perhaps what) you will be best known from a public lense. Some seeds sprouted and flourished while other seeds barely made it and perhaps drifted away. You have built a foundation of resilience and renewal. Where you started looks entirely different and you are bringing all of what you have learned into this next cycle to share with your community. You are setting the example. Perhaps a routine or frequent ritual is in order. Lead the way your way.
Taurus: You have been tasked with mastering what it is you believe in, traveling to places near and far to solidify what it is you want and who it is you want to be with. Your next chapter will be largely transformative and remembered as part of your legacy. Your knowledge, life experience and greater philosophies are here to impact and influence others. You are stepping into a role where others will listen and watch you. Whether this be as a parent or professor. Hold this torch with the upmost integrity.
Gemini: You have felt an uncomfortable entanglement with ‘others’ in so many different scenarios for what feels like far too long. The last couple decades have most definitely rocked your subconscious landscape as well, leaving you feeling a bit depleted. Take this time to return home to your inner landscape, to what it is you truly believe now. Not what others have fed you to believe or what you ‘ought’ to be doing. Your personal compass and way of seeing and existing in this world is your gift for yourself and towards everyone you meet. It’s time to fly freely and it starts with your mind. As the great Bob Marley sang, none but ourselves can free our mind. It’s time to work smarter not harder and adventure a bit more. Road trips are calling you- nearby and abroad. Fly bird fly. 
Cancer: In many ways your current reality may feel and look a bit different than you had imagined. The word partnership is dynamic. And you may even be wondering how in the world did I get here.  The word surrender comes to mind. You are so strong Cancer. Let go of understanding. Let go of what you cannot control. You are embarking into the abyss and will reserve your energy more if you flow with what is versus swim against the current. The power of this time is that truly anything is possible. We cannot make predictions for when things will ripen or mature, when others will be ready. It’s time to put your practice of faith into action and enjoy what it is that you have now. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. Generously live each moment today. 
Leo: You most likely have faced some annoying physical setbacks or challenges trying to settle into a routine that works for you at home and possibly at work over the last several years. Perhaps an animal has come into your life (or left). And if it's not your physical health, perhaps it's someone in your life that you deeply care for that your heart and theirs are one. You are entering a tag team era in partnership. A relay race comes to mind where a baton is being passed off.  Family, home, work may not be exactly how you thought it would look, however you are getting ready to rewrite this story.  As long as you lead from your heart Leo, you will take flight and won’t be alone. You have been in the chrysalis stage which means the butterfly is being birthed.
Virgo: Delayed gratification sure does apply to you. It’s been a bit arduous to achieve what it is you have deeply wanted which has taken the fun away from play. This next chapter is about inner precision; cleaning up your aisle, what you can control and setting new pathways for what a healthy routine and schedule looks like not based on anyone else, rather how you might show others the ways in which it can be done. There is a beautiful transformation underway and in many ways you set the stage to be an example for others. When ready, you will share. 
Libra: Roots come to mind. You have been growing and connecting deeply with your roots at home and through your ancestors. The next page turning for you will be exploring your inner most desires from a lense only you can see from. It’s visceral too, you can feel what it is you dream of like hunger pains. You may feel that your desires clash with your current responsibilities.  Integrating rest will empower you to make informed decisions and avoid impulsive reactions. A couple of questions to ponder as the beginning of this next chapter approaches: What, where and who make you feel the most alive and free to be wild? If children are something you desire, imagine who the next generation of babies will be and what their needs will be? Are yours aligned? And if your children, nieces and/or nephews have left or are leaving home, trust that your very essence has made a mark for them to pass it forward.
Scorpio: You are letting go of many layered stories told over and over again internally from childhood. These stories may have been introduced by others however, you are the one who has control with whether they are still being told in your mind. You are grounding during this next phase, nesting and ensuring the foundation of home is solid. Listen to your guides, they may come through dreams, people you meet, symbols and intuitive sparks of insight. Trust these messages, they are directing you and are here to offer peace throughout your ancestral line. 
Sagittarius: Feeling restricted in any way is somewhat torturous, especially for your big bright energy. You love freedom in all forms. You have most likely felt stifled the last several years especially when it comes to what it is you value and whether you have the resources to surround yourself with these modalities. You are being pulled towards adventure, however instead of far-off lands, nearby road trips will do the trick.  It’s a large task, however the world needs your light to stay lit. This is a huge part of your gift. So shake off what may not be possible and focus on what is!
Capricorn: You have changed a lot! Physically, emotionally, professionally. You have put in a ton of time and effort towards improving. Try your best now to focus on the feeling of what it is you are after. Map it out like a game of Catan where you build a future of community and opportunity not like the one where you just came from, rather one that is built on a marketplace full of equal trading for all. Be aware of when past pain informs future fear. Today is brand new. Approach it with a beginner, childlike mind of pure potential. And continue to Dream Big. 
Aquarius: You have completed a major cycle churning over some serious dreams that you most likely saw while asleep and then actualized in real time. All of that subconscious work was like a birth and now you are about to shape shift focusing the next couple of decades entirely on your personal transformation. Slow and steady wins the race. You have laid a tremendous foundation. Now it’s time to refine. Reach out to your partner(s) to keep your feet on the ground. You are here to do great revolutionary work that takes time. It's a once in a lifetime time for you.
Pisces: It’s absolutely okay to realize you are not as outgoing as perhaps you once thought you were. Netflix and chill over T Swift Eras concert is completely understandable! You are so incredibly intuitive that too much noise and being around others can deter you away from your own guidance. It’s time to tune out in order to tune in. The more you carve out quiet time to listen, the more time there will be left to dance- in sweats or sequence, it’s your choice! 
Everything is an energetic exchange. 
We must build resilience in order to leap forward and onto the paths we desire most to be on. There are opportunities galore when we are paying attention and taking care of our basic needs. We cannot have love without responsibility and it starts with ourselves.
Here is to regenerating what's been into what's becoming.
Natalie Niksa
Napa, Ca 94559, United States