supportive astrology ✾ facilitated groups ✾ private tutoring
Astrologer Amy Green
Image item
Evening Star Venus
7 months of charting your path with advanced astrological support
A sliding scale of mutual support
Sign up for the option that describes your current financial circumstance best. Each payment option below offers the exact same level of participation and individual astrological care.
Choose STAR if you have enough savings or expendable income to afford small monthly luxury items and events.

Choose SUN if you have reliable income and can comfortably pay your living expenses.

Choose VENUS if you have income and can generally meet your needs at this time.

Choose EARTH if you have to skip a lot of things you want to do because they cost too much money. This tier is priced lower than I can sustain for every member but STAR and SUN signups directly support my ability to offer this EARTH option.
If $65/month would be financially destabilizing, please don't risk it. I will offer price adjusted slots to the Supported Starlight waiting list as they become available, so do add your name!

Able to give a little more support?  Love what I'm doing?     Understand that I'm offering SO MUCH at a truly excellent value??
Want to brighten the lives of folks who are trying everything they can to make their lives and the world better?     Know that all people deserve access to powerful tools and wonderful transformative programs that connect them to cycles outside of the destructive reach of the oppressive systems of our current moment???
Use the link below to give a one-off donation to sponsor our sliding scale. You will not be charged monthly when you make a donation with this link. THIS LINK DOES NOT REGISTER YOU FOR STEERING BY STARLIGHT. To join the program, use the appropriate button above and then come back to this page to make your one-off donation.
This is a pay-what-you-want button where you can edit the amount from $1-$999. $80 is displayed as a suggested donation to sponsor one month of access for someone on our Supported Starlight Waitlist. $480 will sponsor someone for the remaining 6 months of immersion. All donations from this source will be used to offset the differences between these mutual support pay scales and to offer lower priced access to people on the Supported Starlight waitlist.
  see you soon!
PO Box 791
Bethel, Maine 04217, United States