the fourth trimester
The birth of a new you…all while taking care of a new life. It’s overwhelming and beautiful and fleeting and precious. Something I’ve realized with each subsequent postpartum is that prepping for this time makes all the difference! 
Focus on what matters most: your well-being + your baby's care.
Those little sweeties take up a lot of your time, and all the while, you're physically recovering from childbirth. Also, those hormonal changes are coming in hot + so is sleep deprivation. 
Remember, it won't last forever. Try to cherish these moments.
Accept the help people offer to you. Your village wants to be there for you + drop off a nourishing meal, assist with care of older children, or maybe you just need them for emotional support + a listening ear.
Creating a postpartum plan is so helpful.
I found making a short list of things you need that first month: meal plans, task delegations, who will be your primary helpers, + self care practices in order to be your best self. 
Communicate with your partner + support system.
Remember to be gentle with yourself - everything is changing, so embrace the flexibility! 
Remember, the best time for an initial evaluation with Lori or I is at that 6 week postpartum mark after your birth provider gives the ok to start pelvic floor physical therapy. But remember, you don't need anyone's permission to start therapy - no referral is required. 
Everyone who gives birth deserves a thorough evaluation.
So, what your waiting for? Give us a call today + let us help answer any questions + get you on the schedule!
inside a treatment session AT
 uprise pelvic health
Vaginal + C-section Timelines For Physical Therapy
Since we're talking about that Fourth Trimester, let's add the vaginal + cesarean timelines for when it's best to start activities + postpartum appointments with Lori + I. 
Those first 6-8 weeks are a time of gentle healing + recovery. You are in the cocoon stage, so just cozy into those new baby feels + routine. Maybe a nice, slow walk a few times a week. Try to go outside even if it's just for 10 minutes. No matter what season it is, just let the sun shine on your face + take in some deep breaths. Maybe while you're outside, you can give us a call to schedule that initial appointment.😚
❤ Vaginal Delivery Timeline: 
When you visit your birth provider at that 6-week check-up, discuss any concerns you may have, + if you're healing well, + your provider gives you the all clear, you can start therapy with us.  At that first initial appointment, your therapist will check your strength, stability, + develop a postpartum care plan of exercises you can do at home + how many visits we recommend in the coming months. 
❤ Cesarean Delivery Timeline: 
Very similar to a vaginal delivery, but perhaps you will need a few more weeks to heal from surgery. Prioritize this. After you clear your 6 week checkup + discuss your healing progress with your provider, it's time to come and see us! At these appointments, we will focus on scar mobilization, movement restoration, and core strengthening. We will work together to find the care plan that works best for you!
Listening to your body and working with a pelvic floor professional can help you fully recover and regain strength postpartum, no matter the type of delivery you experienced.
Remember, you don't need a referral to be a patient of ours.
If you come visit us now, you can be better by Thanksgiving!
And remember, it's never too late.
Click on the link down below 👇🏼 and get on the schedule  
 or give us a call 605.223.5909.
Remember, we're done with feeling just “fine.”
We're going to live our best lives, love our bodies, trust when something doesn't feel right, and take care of ourselves for years to come.
We're here to support you, wherever you are on your pelvic health journey.
 you are worth it!
Let's talk about it.
P.S. If you are loving your experience with Uprise Pelvic Health, I'd be honored if you'd leave us a Google review! This helps more people in the Sioux Falls area find a pelvic PT they can trust. To sweeten the deal, we do quarterly giveaway drawings for everyone who writes us a positive review. Thank you!
117 W. 39th St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105, USA