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Chris Doyle, ‘The Coast of Industry', printed scene detail
To our Brooklyn Editions Community:
Hello once again from the end of the season. It's been a year now since the launch of our newsletter and we really wish we could say we've gotten better at this. At least the sun's still out. 
Before the summer slips away entirely, we'd like to quickly share some studio updates, as well as a couple of projects that launched this summer.
New Toys in the Basement
First things first, it is with great pleasure that we announce the long-awaited, anticipated, glorious newest addition to our studio: an etching press! 
We've been spending the latter half of the summer running tests and experiments just to begin to see what's possible between digital printing and the whole new world the etching press has opened us up to. It's looking pretty good so far, so stay tuned…
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Oh, and we got the new Epson P20570 too. Our full review of the new model is still pending, but what we do know is that its box makes a decent tanning bed.
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Chris Doyle, The Coast of Industry, at MASS MoCA Building 5
We worked with the incredible Chris Doyle on a very limited edition suite of prints made to accompany the showing of his latest work The Coast of Industry at MASS MoCA this summer. 
Projected against the walls of Building 5, The Coast of Industry in all of its 300 ft is a must-see for anyone coming through Western Mass. Luckily for all of us, the show has been extended through to September 22, 2024.
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Photograph: Prints of scenes from ‘The Coast of Industry' by Chris Doyle, 2024.
Featuring a soundtrack composed by Jeremy Turner, The Coast of Industry follows a family of machines, exploring themes of interconnectivity and labor in relationship to the natural world.
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Photograph: Chris Doyle, ‘The Coast of Industry’, 2024, Digital animation, sound. Courtesy of the artist.
Chris Doyle was also interviewed by Sean Capone in BOMB Magazine where he speaks about the work and more. 
Imani Bilál x Vivienda Hotels
Imani Bilál worked alongside architect Michele Arcarese on a special project for Vivienda Hotels, which has now been officially announced. 
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Photograph: Imani Bilal reviewing proofs at the Brooklyn Editions studio, 2023.
We had the pleasure of collaborating with Imani almost a year ago to produce over 200 prints for the hotel, which she then custom embellished by hand. It was a fantastic project and we are thrilled to see the final results.
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Photograph: Imani Bilal embellished prints inside of Vivienda Hotels, 2024.
Isabel Sullivan Gallery x Joseph Santore
Isabel Sullivan Gallery has kicked off their summer editions & prints series with a limited edition release that we produced of Joseph Santore's Over the Store.
One of the artist's most personal works, Over the Store details the artist's family and friends in the 1960s while touching on their deep roots in Philadelphia. Additional and purchasing information can be accessed via the Isabel Sullivan Gallery.
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Photograph: Joseph Santore ‘Over the Store’, 2024, 10 x 18 in., Digital archival pigment print. 
Courtesy of Isabel Sullivan Gallery.
Artwork: Soeun Bae, ‘Dual Synthetic Circulation', 2022, Silicone, silicone tube, filament, green liquid, purple liquid, syringe, acrylic, and steel. Photo: Studio Offish.
Soeun Bae
‘Liquid Arrangement', at Wave Hill's Glyndor Gallery
We were first connected to Soeun Bae when the NARS Foundation visited our studio with their Spring residents earlier this year. Working across many mediums from sculpture to performance to print, the artist now has a solo exhibition, Liquid Arrangement, at Wave Hill's Glyndor Gallery that opens this weekend.
Partially inspired by the plant life at Wave Hill, Liquid Arrangement presents solutions to nurturing hybrid organizations that rely on human intervention to sustain.
Exhibition dates: August 31 - October 13, 2024.
Artwork: Rachel Frank, ‘Chrysalid Interchange: Wading Heron, Oyster and Mangrove’, 2024. 
Season III 2024 International Residency Exhibition
‘Allure of the Land’, NARS Foundation
The NARS Foundation will also be opening its International Residency Exhibition featuring work by current residency artists, of whom we have had the opportunity to work and print with.
Titled Allure of the Land, the exhibition centers the idea of land complexities: narratives, ecology, exploitation, healing. Works will be shown by Sarah Ahmad, Maude Corriveau, Rachel Frank, Giuseppina Giordano, Visaya Hoffie, Shohei Katayama, Tina Lam, Celeste Viv Ly, Kanthy Peng, Heather Renée Russ, Sao Tanaka, Shuai Yang, and Jeehee Yoo.
Exhibition dates: August 30 - September 18, 2024.
It's been a summer of excitement for a lot of reasons, but as always, we look on ahead. With even more tools now, we're anticipating more collaborations and special projects to come. 
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We'll continue to enjoy our remaining days of sunshine, and see you all again in the Fall. 
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251 19th St, Suite 1D
Brooklyn, NY 11215, United States