The beginning of a new semester can be challenging. You're getting used to new professors, classes, and schedules, and you might struggle getting back into the routine of school.
You might even be feeling a little overwhelmed.
Everybody feels this way, especially at the start of the academic year. Your brain might still be hanging out in summer while your body is sitting in a college physics class.
Figuring out what you need to feel your best will help make this transition smoother. This means dialing in your daily habits to get what you need to do your best.
Your next step is signing up for the Fall Success Program by clicking the link below and registering for our kick-off workshop this Wednesday, September 4th at 3 PM EST. We'll be talking an entire smorgasboard of KEY HABITS you can try to see what works for you.
Come and connect with like-minded TRIO folks who want to have the best semester ever! 📚