First name / Signing Families, here's your weekly baby Sign & Sing class printable and scroll down to see our monthly topics.
Counting 1-5
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Keep singing and signing, First name / Kinedu Families!
Hi there!
I'm Lee Ann, Kinedu's baby sign language expert., mom of two big cuties, and joy seeker.
→ I've been teaching my signature baby sign classes for over 15 years, and I know how to keep things fun and effective.
Come follow me!
I keep active on Facebook and my heart is with Instagram to keep you learning about signs and signing with your families.
*My website has a page for FAQ's, virtual classes, my full class schedule and more. Word of mouth is my favourite way to meet new clients because they're always so excited for their babies to learn signs like you! Please feel free to tell them all about our classes.
3-130 555 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver, B.C. V7J 3S5, Canada