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the more you are able to receive all of life as It IS, 
the more you will receive.
― the autumn wind + changing leaves —
life has a way of “bringing it”
doesn't it? one wave after the
other, one season then
another, another year… 
and before we know it
we notice the backpack
on our back starts to feel
heavy again.
didn't you just empty it? 
or maybe not?
was that 3 years ago that i 
had the fire
and burned the thing?
or was it longer ago?
ever year the world
loses and goes bare
dropping, dripping
shedding, leave-ing.
it doesn't happen because what's shed
“no longer serves.”
that has nothing to do with it.
we simply live in a world where we lose.
where things don't last forever
as they are.
we live in a world where 
we aren't seen fully
a world where, 
whether we're ready or not,
it's time to go
time to move
and that's the truth. 
🍂'tis the Season of Sunset,
and, my, isn't it Beautiful.🍂

P.S. I put together a new, free little gift for you all — 3 Keys to the Soul : 3 emails in 12 days (very spacious) with invitations to transform your inner world, to receive greater access to more of your Self. get it for free here. 

P.P.S. setting up the ritual for grief + letting go for next week reminded me of “Letting Go Creates Flow”, which is something I wrote early last year. and it feels… well, still present. 

P.P.P.S. see something in this email you'd like to share? pass it along! forward to a friend! 💌

Fall Equinox
As we move toward the waning phase of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, I invite you to join me online in a ritual practice to help you create Flow through the power of ritual + release. 
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
8-930p ET
on the Internet
Exchange : $33
Honoring grief is worshipping your open heart and all the Love that moves through it.
Be earth now, and evensong.
Be the ground lying under that sky.
Be modest now, like a thing
ripened until it is real…
We will meet, move and flow for approximately an hour and leave time at the end for communing in small groups as desired. 
Registration is open until September 16 or we sell out. 

Housekeeping 🧹 : there will not be a recording of this. so if you'd like to come, please make room in your schedule and honor yourself by showing up. there will be no refunds provided in the event that you register and do not attend.

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