Dear First name,
“What are the fundamentals that sustain a flourishing society, one that promotes happiness, progress, peace, and well-being among its members?”
This question was posed in an article I read by Todd Christopherson several years ago while on a trip to Glacier National Park.
I have reflected on his question as it relates to our health and longevity. It seems our healthcare system and the state of health in our community is not sustainable.  Despite increasing amounts of money and resources, we are not getting healthier. We are plagued by disease of dysfunctional metabolism like never before. For example, over 70% of adults are overweight or obese. Half of American adults and 30% of teens have pre-diabetes or diabetes.  The consequences of these alarming statistics cannot be understated. 
So what are the fundamentals of a sustainable society?  The society has a common a goal and the people take an interest in the wellbeing of their neighbor.
In medicine, I have seen the consequences when we do not practice these principles.  I have also seen many lose not only their health but also trust in our healthcare system.
At the 2024 Summit, we have over 400 caregivers from our community coming together. We have a common goal—to see our patients get their lives back. We seek to help each other through a many minds approach.  We strive to make incremental improvements as a facilitated network. We believe this is a sustainable way to to achieve better longevity and wellness for all of us. 
All the best, 
Dr. John Edwards 

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3000 N Triumph Blvd
Lehi, UT 84043, United States