I'm fighting off My Next Cold today, with this tea
I had the sniffles this morning. And I pulled on a chunky sweatshirt and dug out my slippers.
Here in New England, the nights are getting cold and the summer cricket songs have been all but muted.
So I made my first glass (since last winter) of my ImmuniTEA this morning. 
And guys, I forgot how much I LOVE this tea. It's genuinely delicious, yet so very medicinal.
How did I choose these 4 ingredients for my immuniTEA tea blend?
If you're an analytical kinda person and love to dissect the reasons behind everything, you might love this list. 
If not, just trust me, this is the good stuff and it will help you fight off the bad stuff all winter long. Go ahead and skip down to the links and discount codes and start making this tea for yourself.
But if you're interested, here are some of the reasons I chose to make my ImmuniTEA blend with these 4 ingredients:
Dried Elderberries
  • They're packed with antioxidants
  • They're loaded wtih vitamins that boost your immunity
  • They help calm inflammation as well as stress
  • Many experts recommend elderberry to prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.
Raspberry Leaf
  • The flavonoids are anti-inflammatory
  • It contains ellagic acid, which offers antioxidant and even anticancer properties
  • It contains vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant
Astragalus Root
  • It's an adaptogen that protects the body from stress and disease
  • Evidence has shown that it acts against viruses like the ones that cause colds
  • Studies suggest it has anti-tumor effects against melanoma and leukemia
Cinnamon chips
  • Cinnamon is very high in the compound cinnamaldehyde, which is responsible for most of cinnamon’s powerful effects on our metabolism
  • It protects your body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals
  • It helps your body respond to infections and repair tissue damage
Sweeten your tea with maple syrup and you're adding in all the minerals from the tree sap that boost your immune system even more.
For more details on all of these medicinal benefits (I'm certainly not a medical expert), you can hop over here where I link all my sources for all these great facts I learned about these ingredients.
Stock up now and save!
If you want to stock up on these ingredients for the long winter ahead, I've linked below the best priced, best sourced products I've found for this tea blend. And I've done a lot of research; these are the best:
Dried Elderberries (save 10% with code SOULYRESTED)
Raspberry Leaf (save 10% with code SOULYRESTED)
Astragalus Root (save 10% with code SOULYRESTED)
Maple Syrup (optional, but save with code SOULYRESTED)
Most of the ingredients come from Positively Botanicals. 
I can't recommend Positively Botanicals enough. They're a small-town small business that goes above and beyond in every single way… only sourcing the best ingredients, offering the lowest prices I've found anywhere, and genuinely treating their employees and their customers with the utmost respect.
I also love that they offer bulk sizes, which typically are priced so much lower per unit that I can get 4x the amount of product for only twice the price. Crazy.
And if you spend $50 or more shipping is always free to anywhere in the continental U.S.
But what's it taste like?
But right about now you're wondering what this tea blend tastes like… I mean sure it's good for you but will you want to drink it? Here's what others are saying:
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So many folks reached out last winter telling me it was their new favorite tea and they were enjoying it daily. So I hope you give it a try and I think you'll find the whole family loves it.
If you do try it, please reach out and let me know what you think!
p.s. I love Positively Tea as much as I love Positively Botanicals. And you can order from both in one place. Go here to see my 8 top picks from Positively Tea.
p.p.s. Want to know how to make your own tea blends or how to choose your teas? You'll love this podcast episode! Here's the audio file, on Apple Podcast.
Or here's the video of this super informative podcast episode. I loved this talk with a tea expert, Marlena Snyder. Chances are, if you have a coffee or tea question, she's tasted it, tested it, roasted it, or blended it. 
Hi! I'm Michelle
Join me as I work at simplifying things around our old New England farmhouse and sugarbush: slowing down for real food & natural living. One little step at a time.

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