Both prompts for this month were inspired by Neo-Impressionism but on opposite ends of the spectrum--the first was “blend” inspired by how the audience blends together the different dots and strokes of paint and our current prompt is “split”, inspired by divisionism and the separation of color. There are many more ways in which we can interpret this and find inspiration. Below are some ideas to help get you started… |
- Deconstruct
- Split up your subject into individual parts and create them separately on your page for a final piece that is deconstructed and abstract. For example: if your subject is a flower it can be separated into petals, pollen, stems, leaves, thorns, etc. Isolate each element and re-create them on your page: petals floating in one corner, stems laying across your page not connected to the petals, little circles to represent pollen sprinkled everywhere. Feel free to play with size too--make the petals oversized but the leaves tiny, etc.
- What subject do you find challenging? Deconstruct it and practice each element separately. For example: sketching a face--only draw eyes, noses, or lips, practice shading, sketch different circles and guidelines to create the base of a face etc. Spend time practicing each element. (And if you want, try putting it all together!)
- Split Up The Page This idea is inspired by past work from one of the creatives from our community, Mitzi! Use washi / painters tape to split up your page into smaller sections, then fill them in however you'd like. Peel off the tape and you're done! See her post for photos of the process. This is a great way to try creating something abstract or use each section to focus on the details and create something more elaborate.
- Tear Your Paper A few ideas for this:
- Find an image you connect with from a magazine or catalog and tear it out. Then tear that piece of paper in half and use one of the halves as the starting point for your piece.
- Tear pieces of colored and patterned paper, scraps from other projects, newspaper/junk mail/magazine into tiny pieces then use them to create a collage
- Tear your sketchbook page paper! Create only on the part that is still attached to the book. You can also use the page underneath it to create a background. Save the torn piece to use for another project or create another page using that piece.
- Different Parts Create a piece where you interpret the different parts of something such as the 4 seasons, the different elements (earth, wind, fire, water), or even a whole pizza with different sections of different toppings!
- Inspiring Photographs: this photo of an iceberg splits the scene into 4 quadrants (took me a second to register this!), painted cracked sidewalks, these half renovated houses
- Cut It In Half Head over to your kitchen or fridge and see what you can cut in half and how you can incorporate that into your artwork--do you want to replicate what you see? Can you use the half as a stamp? Is there a color or texture that you are drawn to?
- Divisionism In Neo-Impressionism, it refers to the separation of color and its optical effects but when you hear this word of divide, what does it make you think of? Maybe it's differing opinions, a sequence of numbers from division, or togetherness. What quotes, colors, and images can help you express that on your page?
If you haven't worked on “blend” yet, maybe you can combine it with “split” and see what happens! Keep on experimenting, trying different things, and following your curiosity when it comes to art and life. Looking forward to seeing your creations! |
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