The privilege of a lifetime is to

become who you truly are.

~Carl Jung~
Photo by our girl Sara beth Turner
Have you heard of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon
Well, let me introduce you to 1 degree of Laura.
When I say Laura has been one of the most influential humans in my life, I am serious. She influences me in a myriad of ways, however, for this context is ‘the most influential’ as she is literally one degree away from anyone. I mean it. Anyone.

Today is the birthday of my best friend, Laura. We met during sophomore year of highschool where we both boarded at Miss Porters all girl school in Farmington, CT. It was here that Laura concretized my love for warm chocolate chip cookies and still surprises me with Levain at my doorstep from time to time.

Laura’s family was a huge part of my culinary journey. Introducing me to Palmiers at Gedney Farm in the Berkshires all the way to Carrie Brown from the famed Jimtown Store in Healdsburg to a slew of others...

If you have read Will Guidara’s excellent Unreasonable Hospitality, it’s the same Laura mentioned on page 59. 
Will expresses that Laura is relentlessly can-do, a brilliant problem-solver, and a tireless advocate for the people who work for her… he goes onto say that every leader should have a Laura. 
And I feel really lucky that I do.

I could write a coffee table sized book about the adventures between this 25+ year relationship of ours. But instead, will shine a glimpse on the axis point between us as I absolutely love to weave the wisdom of the cosmos into my newsletters as we dance together on this dynamic spinning stage we call home, Earth. 
But before I do, stay tuned for our November newsletter where I plan to share two (possibly 3) of my favorite Holiday recipes along with more information on the Oakland holiday faire where we will be selling our goodies!
Okay, circling back…

Just as the Moon waxes and wanes and impacts the water level (tides), the Sun also has a magnetic pull. Every 28 days or so, the Sun moves into a different star constellation. If you look up during a dark night, you may recall this original map. Yup, I am referring to stars. The original GPS. 
I digress. 

Every time the Sun moves into a new season, a new axis point begins. 
Aries-Libra | Libra -Aries
Taurus- Scorpio | Scorpio - Taurus
Gemini- Sagittarius | Sagittarius- Gemini
Cancer - Capricorn | Capricorn - Cancer
Leo- Aquarius | Aquarius - Leo
Virgo- Pisces | Pisces - Virgo
All of the oppositions in our lives are being called into a state of harmony in many ways by ‘the other’. It's like we are walking mirrors reflecting back to one another what we cannot otherwise see.
I would absolutely love to one day explain my theory around these axis points. For now, I will keep it brief as I focus on the axis between myself (Aries) and my best friend Laura (Libra) as we are officially in ‘Libra Season’. 
Aries forge their paths and influence others from a somewhat selfish perspective of 'let's get this started' not always considering the ‘how’ or other perspectives and needs at first- this comes ‘after’ to an Aries. They are action oriented and handle the details later! Smothering people with politeness is not at the forefront for these leaders. 
The authenticity of an Aries leader is one who sets the precedent and importance to put their oxygen mask on first in order to be prepared for the day which inevitably often includes others.
When an Aries forgets to put their oxygen mask on first, they will likely find themselves angry, frustrated and perhaps sometimes, people pleasing.
Libras are the leaders who are always thinking of others. This is homeostasis for them. They are action oriented with others in mind, constantly. They love getting involved with hope that their efforts create balance! It is balance that they are after which comes once everyone is playing in harmony with each other. 
The Libra desire for peace and moving away from conflict is noble. However, the path towards peace is often wrought with emotional landmines that require serious endurance. 
We often see anyone disagreeing with us as invalidating us. 
But what if disagreement was not invalidation?
What if Libra took a page out of the Aries book and put ‘politeness’ aside while still leading with grace, while Aries took a page out of the Libra book and led with a clear ‘no thank you’. 
Is it possible for there to be a pathway towards peace while being the polarity? The left and right brain seem to work fine together. And nighttime always makes room for daylight… 
We are here to rise, grow, be better. Our opposites are often showing us the way. 

As with most extraordinary women, we are imbued with gifts. One of Laura’s is her gifted ability to sing. 

The meaning of Satsang is The Company of Truth. This couldn’t more aptly describe my relationship with Laura. She is my truth.

The following are the beginning lyrics by the incredible lyricist and poet Satsang called The Story of You

Now through my life I have found
Fear comes in all shapes and sizes
Well a master of the fortress, a master of disguises… 
Say we used to run free
No fear of where we'd go
And we used to love free, not scared of being alone
These times can be returned to if we use the light that was shown on from above 
In our quest for wrong and right
We got to be, now be like the tree
Firm in your roots but expanding to see
See, yeah use both your eyes, and if they are covered then look inside…
I said go do you, now travel far
Share your stories and earn your scars
Its you, say you are the one you will answer to when this life is done
Don't waste a minute, jump in the river
Wash yourself clean so you can deliver you
The story of you, the story of you…

The song continues and is one of my favorite albums. 
I suggest you check it out! 
For now, a birthday wish to my triple Cardinale, double Venus guide, who loves and gives so generously. You shine bright day and night and so many are better off because of you. 
Happy birth day beauty. 
Show up in trust.
Your presence alone is enough.
Certainty beyond logic. 
Soul completion sistah’

Kisses all around town:)
Natalie Niksa
Napa, Ca 94559, United States