First name / Sacred Heart, what within you is ready to come forth?
Over the last month I've been in
numerous exploratory conversations ith the folks joining the Muchness Mastermind, and in every conversation, I ask some version of this quesiton:
Are you ready to make a hospitable home for *all of you* to be welcomed, seen, met & experienced fully?
And usually I'm met with the familiar tension that arises when new parts of Self arise:
The thrill, excitement and wonder of all that might be possible when you finally let all of you have a seat at the table…
…and the all too familiar terror of really, truly being seen.
At the core, they fear this work will affirm their worst fears: they will end up alone. That they really are "too much" for everyone they love; they will be shamed, rejected or worse: wrong at the core.
When we have these fears, it's likely that our early experiences affirmed that our “Muchness” was in fact “too much.”
We weren’t properly met, mirrored or celebrated in our Truth.
If you have Muchness Wounds, your wounds aren't just what happened to you; they reside at the core of your being: Your Identity.
These wounds arise in multiple layers: personal, familial, communal, collective.
Your Muchness Wound could have arisen as a result of a culture that didn’t celebrate “people like you.”
For example, I didn’t know ANY queer people growing up. I didn’t have any examples of women loving women. My family was homophobic, and spoke openly about how queerness was disgusting and wrong. My desire was therefore hidden, shamed and cut off from my own awareness; to stay safe, one of the most integral parts of my identity was summoned to the basement of my consciousness.
Your Muchness Wound could have arisen as a result of your mother being at capacity under the patriarchy, without the emotional resources to meet your nuanced needs & due to her own indoctrination. Mothers are our first reference point for \ how to cope in a world made for men: play small, don’t be sexy, don’t be “too much,” stay quiet, meek and small… AKA FROZEN: unfeeling & pleasing.
This is for your “safety.”
Your Muchness Wound could have arisen as a result of being neurocomplex or highly sensitive. Being in a unseen minority it’s challenging to find people who see the world how you do… so you grow up feeling gaslit, confused & misunderstood.
You choose to blend in, you deny all you know & need so you can belong. You learn your natural way of relating is wrong… that you are wrong.
Where we hold difference that wasn't celebrated, met and nurtured, there is often Muchness Wound.
With Muchness Wounds, we distance ourselves from our wholeness, full expression and authenticity so we can belong. We diminish our vibrancy, fragment ourselves & suppress our needs to stay “safe.”
So, when people get on clarity calls with me and express fear, hesitation and simultaneous thrill at the possibilities of this path, I never lie to them.
It would be a lie to say that choosing this path of authenticity doesn’t come with consequences. It very much does. You will grieve. Oh, will you grieve.
And, in your grief you will thrive. Oh, will you thrive.
Contrary to what our survival strategies make us feel, it’s actually in bringing forth what is within you that will save you.
All that denial, suppression, projection, fragmentation… that’s what is killing you, dulling you, cutting you off from the vibrancy and vitality you seek.
Bring. Forth. What. Is. Within. You.
Watch it save you.
This is what we will do in Muchness: open the floodgates & stop resisting the natural flow of your fullest expression while you receive the proper support to hold all that wants to emerge in you. <3