Log into our 365 community platform and get clear on your vision for this semester with our Fall Success Program. If you don't decide what you want, someone else will choose for you. If you don't establish personal boundaries and goals, you'll be left to the whims of outside forces and other people.
Step #2: Decide what you want when it comes to your mental health + well-being.
If you don't decide what you will and will not do this semester, you'll spend precious time floundering - being confused and overwhelmed. You'll ultimately resort to what's familiar and comfortable, even if some of those behaviors keep you from achieving your most important goals.
Your "why" is your North Star, so you want to keep that front and center - especially when things get tough. Decide your priorities right now so there's no confusion when your semester really ramps up.
A quick and fun way of thinking about your well-being is asking yourself: how do you want to feel? You can always do something small that's within your control to help you feel that way right now. ✨
Reflection questions:
- What's your "why" behind being in school and pursuing higher education?
- What are your top-3 goals for the semester?
- How do you want to feel when you're at your best?