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This October 31st  we received our 501c3 designation and we are celebrating! Since our first grant to a Hospice of Santa Barbara client in October of 2022, we have provided basic needs support of over $76,000 to 234 individuals and families. With your generosity we have helped to keep people housed, fed, and repaired cars so they can get to treatment and work. We've paid past due utilities bills, provided clothing, and replaced a bed for a local woman newly widowed.
Sometimes the difference between housed today and not tomorrow is $900. Keeping the water on for a family with a child battling cancer is $200. Despite the extraordinary service of our community nonprofits, there are gaps in support that cannot be met by those organizations or government support.
Four years ago, mid lockdown, Virginia and I started talking about how to make her and John's vision for storytelling and giving a reality. We looked for the places where already vulnerable people were falling through the cracks - what did they need and how could we help? And once we've helped with the urgent needs, how can we offer a safe place to share the story of their experience, to shed some of the layers of that trauma, and hear similar stories from others?  This month marks two years of funding and storytelling along the central coast
Coming into our third year, with the leadership of our board members and staff (pictured below) we've proven that this model works and now it's time to grow. I hope you will join us on October 24th as we usher in year three and raise funds to expand the work we do. Because of them, us and because of your support - we can do more for more.
Come raise a glass, maybe tell a story, honor a Star in your life, and celebrate the good work The Starfish Connection does! Thank you for your support, we're excited to see you soon!
Be well,
Sarah Abrams 

Hardships come in many shapes, forms and sizes and unfortunately they knock on most of our doors at one point in time. Fortunately, it is also around these moments of crisis that we find the STARS in our lives, the individuals who bring their light into our times of darkness. This Anniversary event we want to highlight and acknowledge those STARS in all of our lives! 
We invite you to purchase a star in their honor, we will be displaying your STAR at our Transformation Tales Anniversary Event on Thursday, October 24 at the Santa Barbara Wine Collective. You can take your STAR home after the event or we can display them in our office all year long!  
Please click link below to learn more! 
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You can NOW LISTEN to the TALK-O-TRUCK stories on our YouTube Channel! 

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The Starfish Connection is dedicated to building thriving communities by empowering individuals and fostering connection through crisis funding and community storytelling.
The Starfish Connection is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 88-0637386.

PO BOX 41225
Santa Barbara, California 93140, United States