Miracle: wonder, marvel, healing, opened, restored
We can either live in a world of miracles or mediocrity. 
And while I believe, like the Music Man, that mediocrity is not a mortal sin,
I also believe in miracles.  Every.Single.Day.
A miracle has been defined as a wonder. 
Synonyms include marvel, healing, opened, restored.
Now I don’t know about you, but 
miracles have been in my life all week long.
Wonder: When I turn on the faucet, clean, potable water comes out. Magic!
Marvel: My grandson Eli has learned to walk.  One day he is a gecko boy, slithering along on his belly, wiggling back and forth to move forward, and the next he is vertical and upright.  Watch out world, here he comes!
Healing:  I cut the top of my foot while moving into the main house last week.  After less than a week, my body has created new skin and healed almost to the point that you can’t even tell.  Regeneration is bliss.
Opened: Where I was emotionally blocked, I met with my coach and she helped me open new ways of perception and hope.  I see things in a whole new way.
Restored: A four-hour nap.  Need I say more?
Miracle: wonder, marvel, healing, opened, restored
“Miracles are marvels and wonders because of the effect produced on those who saw them.”
My miracles brought sunshine to gray days and 
hugged me closer to my Creator.
We do have miracles today- beyond imagination!
Spencer W. Kimball
What about you?  What have you seen this week?
May you be blessed to have eyes to see miracles this week.  Take time, check in with your Creator, and ask.  You will be blessed to see all kinds of new things.
Write and tell us what they are!
All my love,
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So, I decided to embrace my natural gray hair. I've been coloring my hair for 40 years, and it was way past time.  After 4 months of growing out the red, my amazing hairdresser cut all the red off, except for my bangs.  They would have been too short.  For 5 hours we tried to wash that red out.  But like the habit that it is, with all of its mindsets and beliefs, it's gonna take awhile to grow out.  Simply being me is a liberating change I intend to continue working on.
 Do you want to create something new?
How about a miracle practice?
 Create the life that brings you peace. 
Be You.  Nobody does it better.
Surround yourself with supportive coaches, friends, and family, who bring encouragement, feedback, and emotional stability.
Join us at CMH Coaching, where you can be surrounded by exceptional coaches and encouragement, and have your own personal success. 
 We're here for you!
What does your resilience look like this month?     Mine is full of miracles!
Apple music
485 County Rd 2850
Honey Grove, TX 75446, USA