Guild Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 9, 2024
The meeting was called to order by vice-president Barbara Johnston at 7:00pm.
Traci Crumley moved to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter. Marilyn Sikes seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Beverly Martine moved to accept the treasurer’s report as printed in the newsletter. Maddie Hartle. seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Vicky Nightingale shared tonight 30 members are present. We have two new members and two September birthdays.
Mandy Ralston shared that the Quilt Show committee met Sunday. The raffle quilt has been selected. There will be no doll raffle in the next quilt show. There will be a sewing machine raffle. The next Quilt Show Committee Meeting will be 2pm, November 3 at the Quilt N Bee.
The Community Service Chair, Tracy Crumley thanked those 13 people who attended the pizza party tonight. Enough squares were completed to make two twin size quilts. We are shooting for 4-5 twin quilts.
Beverly showed an example of the quilt being made. The next community service sew day will be October 14, 4pm – prior to the meeting. We will be making the potato chip quilt block.
There is no old business, nor new business.
Drag & Brag
Beverly Martine – potato chip quilt
Kimberly Hartwell – quilt by Fat Quarter Shop – Star Wonder
Vicki Nightingale – grandson’s wedding quilt that won a blue ribbon at Comanche County Fair and Best
of Show ($250) at the Fletcher Fair. Congratulations, Vicki!
Kelly – indigo dye bag, purple bag and two stuffed butterflies made with quilt blocks
Cathy McDanel – Be My Neighbor through Quilt N Bee and Karen Montgomery’s Summer Dew Along,
Nine Patch in a Day
Donna Klein & Lee Diaz – donated 45 quilts from Linda Grubb’s fabric to the pregnancy Resource Center. Also donated were receiving blankets, bibs, and burp rags
Our program tonight is FACES with Kathy Hepner. Beverly has supply list for Saturday’s class with Kathy.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:06pm.
LaDonna Meyer
Guild Secretary