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Hi House Church Leaders!
As we go through Revelation as a church, we will be sending out weekly sermon summaries and discussion questions to help your House Churches facilitate deeper study.
Open Doors & Sleepy Christians
Pastor Darren continued our series in Revelation by comparing the letters to the churches of Sardis & Philadelphia. The church in Sardis had a reputation for being spiritually alive but in reality, it was dead. Christians in Sardis were influenced by the cultural norms, becoming complacent and compromising their faith. In contrast, the church in Philadelphia is praised for their faithfulness despite being small and having limited strength. We were challenged to see if we were to follow the example of the church of Sardis or the faithfulness of those Philadelphia.
Discussion Questions
1. How does the church in Sardis reflect the dangers of spiritual complacency in our lives today?
2. What cultural pressures today might subtly lead Christians to compromise their faith, as happened in Sardis?
3. How do we discern whether we are spiritually awake or spiritually dead, and what are some warning signs?
4. Where are the open doors in your life where God may be inviting you to step into? Who has called called you to share the gospel with?
Communal Practice: 
Find Open Doors
As a House Church assess the open doors God is calling you to.
Our hope should be to live like the church in Philadelphia. Those who are keeping the faith and sharing it with others. Living a life of holiness that draws the unchurched & dechurched to Jesus, and also awakening sleepy Christian’s to what authentic faith looks like.
Review your House Churches Mission. How is it going? Has it been a priority? Do you have to reasses who your House Church is for?
Plan Parties. Look at the next few months and plan some parties! Plan some opportunities to bring the good news of Jesus to the lost and the lost to Jesus.
Pray. Break up into groups of 2-3. Pray & contend for opportunities, persons of peace, profound conversations, and for God’s presence to meet your neighbors!
Daily Discipleship: Daily Examen
We want to remain vigilant to the call of the Lord. May we learn from the warnings to Sardis, to “stay awake.” One way we can do this is by continuing the rhythm of practicing the Daily Examen. This practice helps us notice where God was in our days, to plan to look for God in the days to come.
1. Gratitude
The whole day is a gift from God. Offer up the day and specific moments to God in thankfulness.
2. Grace
Ask the Lord for the grace to see the day through God's eyes. Recognize the moments where you listened to Him, and where you stepped into sin.
3. Review
Walk with the Lord through your day, hour by hour. What are thoughts, feelings, words, and responses that stand out?
4. Repent
Ask God for forgiveness for the moments where you rejected His love, and where you accepted the promptings of the evil one.
5. Renewal
Take what has been shown to you, look forward and prepare for the Lord's love and grace for the coming day.
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Huntington Beach, CA 92649, USA