Years ago, my favorite movie was Hillary Duff in ‘The Perfect Man’.  A cute rom-com, it had beautiful actors, beautiful scenery, and beautiful music.  When I was sad or stressed or overloaded, I could go to that movie, get swallowed up, and create my own, personal illusion of a perfect day.
Was my day really perfect? No, but I usually felt better. 
But, this is real life.  And this is one of those times when real life is better than the movies.  My friend, you can create a perfect day for yourself.  No rom-com needed.
Let’s begin at the beginning with how to begin the perfect day, and we’ll go from there in future blogs.
Neuroscience has shown that the first wakeful 10 minutes of the day are powerful.  The way your brain wakes up in those 10 minutes makes all the difference.
Remembering that in CMH Coaching, CMH stands for Compassion, Mindfulness and Hope.
I am going to show you how to create Hope.
1st- Compassion; What to you love? feel it and see it.
What is your most important life goal?  For me, that is my relationship with my Creator and my family.  If the first thing you do when you start your day, directly correlates with that goal, you’re starting on the right foot.  That could be waking up in gratitude to God, waking up to kiss your honey, or any one of the many acts that support for your #1 life goal.
2nd - Mindfulness:  What do you want?
Notice that the first thing in your morning does not involve your phone.  Put your phone to bed in a different room. Instead, choose 3 or 4 affirmations that clearly assert where you want to be in 6 months or a year.  Write them as I am statements- I am a published author, I am confident and fit, I am strong enough to lift hay bales (that was Jaycine’s) I am patient….what do you want to “be” in the next 6 months?  Only choose a few- write them down and use them for step 2.
3. Hope: Active Creation: 
Get a big drink of water, and move.  Intensati is a form of exercise that involves dynamic aerobics with intentions.  For step 3, you want to recite your affirmations in the intensati style- move and shout (okay, or speak) your affirmations while you walk, jump, stretch etc.  Move your body and bring in some Oxygen for that hard working brain of yours!
Just one rule- Create within your personal parameters.  In other words, Believable Baby Steps, Bob.  I’m not going to affirm that my eyes are brown.  They’re blue and I won’t likely change that.  Choose something semi-believable to affirm.  Maybe I can be patient…or powerful…or confident.  Your brain, when given daily baby steps that are almost believable, will create the beliefs you want with practice and time.  Moving your body to your intentions seriously solidifies those beliefs.
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Try it! Put those intentions out there so God can divinely orchestrate life for your good.  He delights to bless you.
Now, if you want your phone, go for it, but notice how much better you feel before you do.  A life that starts with compassion, mindfulness, and hope is a happy life.  One might even say it approaches perfection. :)
You can create a perfect start to the day- every day.
  1. Wake up in gratitude and affirm your #1 purpose.
  2. Trade your phone for intentions.
  3. Get a big drink of water and then Shout/state your intentions intensati style. Move!  It’s even better with music!
Try it, y’all.  Let me know how it works for you!
All my love,
To learn more about Intensati, check out It’s genius.

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Create the life that brings you peace. 
Be You.  Nobody does it better.
Surround yourself with supportive coaches, friends, and family, who bring encouragement, feedback, and emotional stability.
Join us at CMH Coaching, where you can be surrounded by exceptional coaches and encouragement, and have your own personal success. 
 We're here for you!
CMH will help you create that perfect start to your day, promise!
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485 County Rd 2850
Honey Grove, TX 75446, USA