Final step! There are so many habits to choose from. Discovering what habits work for you and which ones you can be consistent with, is half the battle. It takes trial and error, a curious mind and patience. You're not going to change overnight, but you can make small changes to support your well-being, one choice at a time.
If you completed Steps #1, #2 and #3 in the Fall Success Program, you're clear on your current habits, you know what you want to achieve this semester and you're working toward empowering thoughts and beliefs. That means you're ready to distinguish your top-3 key habits, or what I like to call Non-Negotiables. These are things you do no matter what because they help you do everything else that much better!
Step 4: Determine your Non-Negotiables which are your core daily habits that help you feel and do your best.
Your Non-Negotiables are your constant companions even when you're struggling because you have determined their importance. When you fall off your routine, your Non-Negotiables are the first habits you return to.
They form the base of your foundation and make you stronger. ✨