Insufferable but his antics will be missed. 😭 The best birthday gift will be a Yankees x Mets World Series. It's what New Yorkers deserve, so we can properly usher Adams out of office. I promise to stop going on about him and baseball soon. ☺️⚾️
The devil works hard but the vegan lobby works harder. Because why are 12 million meat products being recalled right now? I mean I know USDA & CDC barely operate at this point..
Is the BRICS de-dollarization project top of mind for anyone else? I think if you qualify for a secondary passport, you should secure one given the state of the world and if the USD crashes and burns at some point. Commodities like crude oil trading at non-dollar currencies and increased gold holdings? Mmm yea.
The film documents the stories of the haenyeo or “sea women” who dive the depths of the ocean without any breathing gear to harvest seafood like conch, urchin and octopus. The haenyeo have done this for centuries and are typically the main earners in their households. 🤿🦀🐙🐚
If you use the CHANI app, then you know that Chani Nicholas has recently introduced a Black Moon Lilith reading. In this week's podcast episode, Chani and her guests dive into the history of Lilith and how Lilith shows up across stories in ancient rabbinic texts and mythologies, all skewed and maligned through male-dominated storytelling. And in case you've missed our old post on the story of Lilith, you can view it here! 🐍🐍🐍