Now that we've outlined the four steps to determining your key habits for having your best semester yet, I thought it would be fun to highlight some of the key habits we think are … key! 📚🔑
One of the most effective ways to combat procrastination is to do your most important (or hardest) task first thing in your day. It's what some people call, eating the frog. 🐸 That sounds kind of gross, I know!
The more you allow yourself to fret and "think about" the things you need to do instead of doing them - the greater the chance you'll waste precious time (and energy) by avoiding and making them into big scary monsters inside your head.
Creating focused time blocks in your schedule will allow you to easily complete your top tasks. Because you've already decided and scheduled the time - all you need to do is show up!
A Power Hour is when you reduce all distractions, set a timer for 60 minutes, and focus on a singular high-priority task you need to get done.
The truth is that once you get moving, you're likely to keep going. The more you practice scheduling at least one Power Hour every day, the easier it gets.