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sam's digest — a bi-monthly newsletter of my favorite architectural gems on the market in los angeles, + raw life updates. issue 26. 10/25/24.

//    the mood & vibes this week 
— hi, friends :) i am writing this to you from topanga haus. aka, my little studio that i rent in topanga canyon. i am sitting on the brick patio. while my inside space is more or less ~100 square feet, i am lucky enough to share a sprawling, lush backyard with the following cast of characters: my landlord, patricia in the main house … a vintage airstream trailer rented to alex … a pond … a towering oak tree … a turtle sanctuary … and about thirty of my houseplants. i'm parked at this little table by the pond, which is a favorite spot to work at. i really have an issue with working inside - or even just plain old being inside for more than a few hours during the daytime. it's one of the things i love most about california - this really true sense of indoor/outdoor living that follows us year-round. 
— earlier today, i went on a run, and was struck by how much the main event of these last two weeks has impacted me - getting covid. it hit me like a mack truck mid-october. for like ten days, i was pretty much out for the count. i must have watched 20+ movies, and eaten my weight many times over in ramen noodles. and now, although i am thankfully covid-free, i can see how my body is still a little weaker, a little slower. unable to gallop up these canyon hills like i used to. and so, i'm taking it easy this week, and probably for the next one, too. 
— getting covid was especially brutal because i tested positive a few days after returning from italy. i had planned many things for my first week in LA: reunions with friends, dinners, work stuff. and all of them were swept off the table and into the basket of “good lord i hope we somehow reschedule this." i'm not somehow who likes to sit still. and, staying inside for that long, + not seeing my friends has definitely taken a toll. i'd say i'm definitely an introverted extrovert, not the other way around. being with people often recharges me. not for super long chunks, but little small doses sprinkled throughout the week, and in between all the little motions of life on my own. 
— as such, it was really insane timing, this whole covid thing. i left LA for italy on september 27th, got back on october 14th, and have been in covid isolation from then until a few days ago. as such, i haven't seen some of my close friends in almost a whole month!! luckily, i saw a few last night. a group of my homies in the design space get together every so often at the capri club in eagle rock, this super cool bar i barely know how to order from. it was lovely.
— and speaking of capri … abrupt topic change to italy. ohhhhhhh, italy. i haven't been for over a decade, and it was quite a delicious trip. lots of rain. bonkers-yum pizza. time with my sis & momma. + cute new outfits … which are often hard to come by for me. as someone who is still aligning my body with my soul through all the gender transformations, i wouldn't say i have the most expansive wardrobe. only specific clothes make me feel mucho good about how i show up in the world. i have about 3 things in every category that work for me and that's about it. as in, i am definitely a secret outfit repeater, lol. but it felt good to get things that make me feel really good, especially in a super new place. 
— now that i'm back in action in LA, work stuff has been cool as well. a few days ago, we closed escrow on my listing in echo park!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, the insane wooden craftsman with uber good juju. that entire process was a total whirlwind. we had maybe 200+ people at our opens, got 11 offers, and ultimately closed at $1,565,000. a cool 20% ($270,000) over list price!!! read the story here.
— otherwise, things are business as usual, but winding down for the end of the year. connecting with new clients and learning of their architectural longings. checking out/filming epic wooden houses. prepping cool listings. & writing, journaling, lensing … continually asking myself the capital b Big questions: what in my life is working? where do i want to keep investing time? what does meaningful work look like? and what are my barometers for if i'm “living right?” 
— as always, with the houses i feature below, if you're a serious buyer & interested in more details, hit my line. i included a bunch of bangers today ;)
— wonder what you're feeling this week. maybe respond and tell me.
— talk to you soon, and sending love.

/   just sold by me for $1,565,000 [$270,000 over list]
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/   just sold by me for $1,560,000
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/   recently sold by me for $1.34M in jefferson park
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/    recently sold by me for $2.3M in the canyons
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//    curious about working together?
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6430 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028, USA