Follow these steps to success ➡️
- Set a reminder on your phone and check in with yourself at least once a day.
- Take a moment to ask yourself how you're doing and what you might need in the moment.
- Take note of what you're doing to take care of yourself today. It's an opportunity to prioritize some self-care when you might need it most.
- Notice how you feel when you start to show yourself loving kindness.
Do your own experiment ➡️
Keep track of your daily check-ins for a week. See what you discover about the current status of your well-being. If you're consistently not feeling your best, this is a sign that you need to increase key habits that will support you. If you notice that you're doing great most of the time - that's awesome - keep doing what you're doing!
Reminder ➡️
Each day is different. If you find yourself struggling, know that tomorrow is a new day and you can take a fresh start! Don't beat yourself up if you're experiencing a lot of challenges. The best thing you can do is notice how you're doing, ask yourself what you need and then do one small thing to support your well-being.
Rinse and repeat. Every. single. day.
Log into our 365 community platform on Monday to set your goal of checking in with yourself every day this week. Let's help each other follow through with our intention by leaving a comment and being connected on this journey. 💛