Hi First name / Friend,
How has the act of improvising in quilt making been reflective or transformative in different aspects of your life?
It doesn't happen in a day or even a week, but when you spend intentional time investing in your creative practice, you will see transformation. We asked this question recently in the Brave Patch Groove and heard beautiful responses. Members have found growth, confidence, and the power to embrace the unknown. Through loosening up and letting go, improv quilting offers a creative path toward deeper connections, freedom, and, for some, a brave way forward in both art and life.
See some of their responses below. And be sure to join the conversation inside the Groove, your transformation awaits.
About this month's Groove Time: Speaking of improv Journey . . . we are so EXCITED to hear
Priscilla Bianchi share her improv journey from precise, exact geometric designs to working in spontaneous and intuitive ways. Priscilla is a native Guatemalan quilt artist, designer, international teacher and author. Her one-of-a-kind art quilts are known for their luscious color, ethnic character and high visual impact.
reminder! Workshop replays from the Found Color series are now available to participants are also Groove members. If you missed your notification send June a message and she'll help you get access.
Yes And!
Sherri Lynn and June
P.S. Not a member? Know that we'd love for you to join us in our vibrant, conscious community where you can be seen and understood. Equity based monthly memberships are $10/$20/$30 and give you access to all of the resources inside BravePatch. Annual plans are also available.