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Key Habit #4: Train your brain to focus
Click HERE to register for our last monthly workshop of the year, this Thursday, November 20 at 3 PM EST, and learn how to train your brain to focus. All it takes is a few minutes a day.
If you have trouble focusing, are constantly overwhelmed, or distracted by every little thing, a daily meditation practice can help! Meditation means substituting the constant flow of thoughts for another object of attention. That's it.
Meditation = practice focusing your attention.
As a certified meditation teacher, one of my top goals is teaching students how to train their brains. More and more students need help focusing their attention, especially for extended periods.
If you're in the business of school, being able to focus is a must!
With so many things to distract you (friends, family, phone, social media, FOMO), no wonder you feel overwhelmed at times! The first step is awareness. Acknowledging that you would benefit from having a greater capacity to focus will help you prioritize a simple daily practice like meditation.
Meditation will help you focus and be more calm and present throughout your day. Wouldn't you love to spend less time inside your head and more time experiencing life?
Meditation teaches you how to work with your thoughts, or what I like to call managing your mind. It's super easy to get carried away by our thoughts. Worries on top of worries cause a spiral of stress + anxiety. When you meditate, you learn how to notice a thought for what it is without attaching to it. You also learn how to choose your thoughts.
Once you start experiencing the benefits, you'll want to keep this key habit going! Daily meditation has many positive ripple effects. ✨
Follow these steps to success ➡️
  1. Find a comfortable position in your body, sitting on a chair or lying down.
  2. Start to feel yourself breathing.
  3. Soften your forehead and your eyes.
  4. Relax any feelings of tension or tightness you might notice.
  5. Breathe. Feel your body breathing.
  6. Let everything else fade into the background.
  7. When you notice yourself thinking, gently bring yourself back to your breath.
  8. Continue to soften your body.
  9. When you notice yourself thinking, gently bring yourself back to your breath.
  10. Rinse and repeat for two minutes to start. Work up to 5 - 10 minutes per day.
Do your own experiment ➡️
There are many forms of meditation. I love the one I'm trained to teach because it's an easy starting point with a simple focus on the breath. This may not work for you, but it can open the door to you exploring other techniques that might.
Reminder ➡️
Building a new habit takes time, patience, and commitment. Remember the principles of habit formation. Keep prioritizing your practice. It doesn't take much time, but it does take time.
Meditation is one of the most significant daily habits you could choose to build. You only reap the benefits with consistency, so stick with it. I'm here to provide one-on-one guidance for your practice - all you need to do is submit this form and we can connect! ✨
Join me for daily mindfulness, Lynn
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University Avenue
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858, USA