1. Holiday Trees: We want to thank all of the community sponsors and partners who have made this initiative possible! The holiday trees are expected to be placed along Main Street the evening of November 18th, so expect to see these festive additions when you're downtown on November 19th. The trees will be adorned with holiday lights the same week.
Please contact Littleton DDA staff members with any questions, issues, or feedback throughout the holiday season.
Jenny Starkey | jenny@downtownlittleton.org
Danni Westblade | info@downtownlittleton.org
2. Pink Friday: Pink Friday is thought of as the “Black Friday” for small businesses and takes place on Friday, November 22nd. This is a great way to encourage shoppers to support small and local first. Downtown Littleton's Pink Friday is sponsored by Final Fridays, and we'll be promoting this shopping holiday to our email subscribers and social media followers, so make sure you officially sign up to participate via the Final Fridays
3. Sparkle & Stroll Downtown Littleton: Thanks to 40+ businesses that have signed up to participate in this holiday marketing campaign, we're confident that this community-driven "bingo game" will encourage residents and visitors to support local businesses in Downtown Littleton throughout the holiday season. As we approach November 29th, participating businesses can expect a visit from a DDA staff member to drop off all Sparkle & Stroll game and marketing materials.
4. Roaming Carolers: It's official – Denver’s premier Victorian caroling company, The Original Dickens Carolers, will perform along Main Street each Saturday from November 29th through December 21st. This will be a great addition as downtown transforms into a winter wonderland.
5. Open Rewards: The City of Littleton is bumping cash back rewards up for the holiday season.
Open Rewards users will receive 10% back for purchases made November 29th through December 24th at participating businesses. Let your customers know!