Atiliay noun, a play off the French word “atelier”; a workshop/studio, esp of an artist or designer; my creative space
Notes plural noun, a brief record of facts, topics, thoughts written down as an aid to memory; a short informal letter

This time of year always reminds me to revisit my gratitude practice--do I have one at the moment? How can I redirect more energy towards it? What can I do right now to reconnect? Below are some ideas for us to try as well as some freebies and things from the shop for Fall & Thanksgiving! (But how is it the end of the month already!?)

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Letter It With Me Learn how to create a gratitude lettering spread with me in this video! You can find the full directions here as well as download the template if you'd like to use it. If you like doodling or sketching, you can fill the space on the template with them instead of words or try a combo of both!
Meditate On It Try this 10 Minute Guided Gratitude Mediation by Boho Beautiful. When I first started to meditate I found guided ones to be so helpful because there was something I could focus on and follow along with. If you haven't tried it before, I hope you'll check it out--maybe you'll connect with it as well!
Journal About It A few prompts to get you started (feel free to reflect in your thoughts instead of on paper if that works better for you!) 1- What do you appreciate about yourself? 2- What made you smile today? 3- What is something I am grateful to have learned? 4- What are 3 things you are grateful for no matter how small? 5- List 3 people that make you happy and why, be as specific as you can
Share It Write a letter, card, or note of gratitude. Send it via snail mail or give it to them in person. *I'll be hosting another postcard swap for the new year--stay tuned for details!
Share It #2 Do an anonymous random act of kindness. A few ideas to get you started: tipping extra, leaving an uplifting note in a random place, making a donation to a friend's fundraiser or help support a classroom through DonorsChoose, writing a positive review for a local business. 
Read About It
“Today, let us swim wildly, joyously in gratitude.” - Rumi
"When your world moves too fast
and you lose yourself in the chaos,
introduce yourself
to each color of the sunset.
Reacquaint yourself with the earth
beneath your feet.
Thank the air that surrounds you
with every breath you take.
Find yourself in the appreciation of life."
 “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” - Melody Beattie

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Find a variety of digital downloads in the PDF Library under “Fall & Thanksgiving”! They include templates for place tags, mini cards, activity cards, and more:

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You can also find print at home cards from my shop. These come in 2 different formats and includes an envelope template so you can create these cards at home (perfect if you need them right away / last minute!)
A few things I am grateful for:
  • Friends who truly want the best for me, support and encourage me, who make me feel safe to share my honest thoughts and feelings, who really know me and love me, who make time for me, who cry and laugh with me, who are always there for me through all the ups and downs.
  • Valentine and all of the animals who have been a huge part of my life: Lucci, Bernard, Makani, Bubba, Jefrey, Samone--for teaching me about unconditional love, empathy, life, loss, patience, slowing down, and being in the present moment.
  • You-- thank you for joining me on this journey, for giving me a space to share about my art and life, for your time, encouragement, stories, inspiration. It truly means a lot to me and writing to you is one of my favorite things--I am grateful that our paths have crossed!
What are you feeling gratitude towards? Hit reply if you'd like to share!
For those of you celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the final days of November--I'll be sending out one more note with shares very soon. Until then, take good care, eat a lot of mashed potatoes and pie, and stay warm and cozy!

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PS: A few recent snapshots: had a wonderful time with Susan when she came to visit and a fun weekend exploring Vancouver--I really loved it there! Super dog and vegan friendly--we saw lots of poms there!

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