Gleanings is just over a year old - thank you to those who have subscribed, thank you to those who have opened me. I hope the offerings here, and beyond have provided nutrients for your life, sustenance to your soul, on some small level. I am very grateful for your presence, for your reception of my work / my way.
As one way to show my gratitude I am offering reduced, end of year readings. With 2024 drawing to a close it can be helpful, holding and cohering to spend time with your experiences of 2024, bring the sky presences and cosmological movements into close connection with all that has been at work with you and through you, to ground together and turn towards what may be rising in 2025. 2025 will be a year of significant change with many slow moving planets moving into new zodiacal terrains, and dramatic elemental shifts from water & earth, to fire & air.
Please email me at if you would like to book/discuss further.
We are in such tender times - I am wondering how you are all doing? As I dream within the liminal threshold of equinox, as light and life tip downwards, beginning our decent into the dark half of the year I am wondering if there is anything you would like to have available, from me, in the mode / style I speak, share and offer the astrological art; grow symbolic strength and stellar ways of being with worlds within and without.
I call to you - what would be helpful ? What would build rafts for these turbulent times? I'd be only too happy to hear. Co - dreaming, collaboration, co - care, co - constellating is the need of now, to know we have spaces ( virtual or actual ) where we feel met, supported, fed - for our souls to breath and our hearts to grow the more beautiful world we deep down know is possible.
* I of course am dreaming new creations and offerings - some of which are forthcoming, including the publication of a book on the Centaurs, that I contributed a chapter to. This will be arriving in the world in 2025, the centauric realms have considerable mentoring to offer with their untameable, at odds orbiting ways.
* I am also devising, and running a one day experiential workshop, in collaboration with Kincentric leadership which will have a follow up, in person evening. We are kin with all of life - tree, bird, animal, river, plant, people and on - in these sessions we will re - member through felt experience , rich learning and exploratory practices how sky realms are kin, how to be be with our sky kin. More to follow on this soon.
* 2024 allowed me to deepen and develop Astro drama working practices, which I am excited to weave into astro club 2025 as well as other places and spaces. Astro drama creates spatial / temporal enactments, evocations that open imaginal dialogue with the rich field of celestial presences that live through you, offering direct ways to encounter, embody and feel our multi dimensional existence. This is crucial for our times, to reconnect with and grow our capacity for greater connection to all that we are. Not to hear about, or talk about, but to become viscerally and sensorially our deep dimension selves.
There is much more to say, and much more to come for now I will leave it at that, welcome you to come and meet me - url in London or on line for end of year readings, or other callings. It has been a pleasure to sit along side many of you, listen together and attune to your sky worlds, in all the intelligent ways they wish to show and share .
Go well & gently for now