Guild Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 11, 2024
The meeting was called to order by president Peggy Coe at 6:37pm. Peggy welcomed those present.
Beverly Martine moved to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter. Jan Crain seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Beverly Martine moved to accept the treasurer’s report as printed in the newsletter. Karolyn Vaughn seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Vicki Nightingale shared 21 members are present tonight. No guests. October and November birthdays were recognized, selecting a fat quarter. Vicki let the membership know we have WMQG pins available for $5/each.
Teresa Crabtree, chair of Ways-N-Means drew for three door prizes tonight.
Anyone with sewing to do for Community Service was asked to bring projects in January.
The Heart Challenge is due at the December meeting. No sleeve necessary, as they are smaller quilts.
Drag & Brag
- Rita Worthington – quilt hand quilted by ladies at the Center for Creative Living
- Cris Ross – woven bowl with braid on top from class at Duncan Guild and purple and white log cabin quilt
- Tamra Phelan – bright scrappy quilt, quilt for newest grandson and oops quilt (red colors run) a red/white jewel box/Donna Jordan quilt
- Barbara Johnston – daughter-in-law birthday present table runner
- Cathy McDanel – page 39 challenge with Loose Threads
Marilyn Sikes was scheduled to do a program on Color Theory. Marilyn has COVID, so Beverly Martine did the program. Beverly reminded us that our December meeting is potluck and donations for C. Carter Craine Shelter. No gift exchange.
Beverly asked for participants in the March 15 (9am – 2pm) Collage Workshop. Now only five people have signed up for the class. If there is not enough interest, the class will be cancelled. The workshop is $65 for guild members and $85 for non-guild members.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.
LaDonna Meyer
Guild Secretary