As W. Edwards Demin said, “Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.”
This one gets my every time… whether it is in my work or personal life, and I can start to feel frustration building with my current state (e.g. overbooked schedule, getting stuck in reactive mode), when I stop to think about the situation I am able to see exactly how I am contributing directly to the problem I am complaining about. Ouch!!
I want you to be able to break the cycle of frustration too! And digging into our habits is how we do it!
Last week, we explored the power of habit tracking – how simply monitoring your actions can lead to increased awareness and consistency. This week, we are taking it a step further. It's time to unlock the ✨ real magic ✨ of habit tracking: using your data to refine and optimize your habits for peak performance.
🤔Why is this important??
Truth 💣: Habit tracking gives you valuable data, but that data is useless unless you act on it! I want you to get up close and personal with your data so that you can:
- 👀Identify Patterns: Pinpoint what's working and what's not, and adjust your strategies for better results
- 🔎Spot Obstacles: Once you recognize that Tuesdays (Fridays, afternoons, etc) present a challenge, you can tailor your unique needs and preferences for optimal effectiveness.
- 🚧Uncover hidden roadblocks: Identify triggers that sabotage your efforts and develop effective counter-strategies.
- 🎉Boost motivation: when you see your progress, you can celebrate it!
Putting it all together! Here’s the deal, if you’ve read this far, I want you to feel confident that you can get up close and personal with your own habit data and get the most out of your Habit Tracking.
Here’s what it looks like for me, in 2 easy steps.
1. 🗓️Set a consistent schedule for review.
For me, this happens Monday mornings. I start my week off by reviewing my Habit Tracking and daily goals from the prior week
2. 💥 Ask Power Questions
- What's working well? Which habits are you consistently crushing? What's contributing to your success?
- Where are you struggling? What's preventing you from sticking to your habits? Are there any patterns to your setbacks?
- What can you improve? Are there any small tweaks you can make to your routine or environment?
Here are some things that I’ve learned in my power question weekly reviews:
- I am crushing my exercise habit! I have a set time, and days were I consistently commit to exercise, and my partner is supportive. This makes it even easier for me to do. Plus, I get 40 minutes of uninterrupted Audiobook time that I really look forward to!
- I have been struggling to get in my daily walk. In adjusting to a new work schedule this year, where I am not always in the same location and behind a desk has made it harder to find a groove. I have learned that if I don’t get my walk done before 2pm, it won’t happen! I am still thinking about how to adjust the timing of the walk to make it more likely.
- I recognize that coming up on a few weeks of funky holiday schedules, it is going to be hard to maintain my daily journaling practice (because I usually set this routine around my work schedule). I need to think of a plan to adjust, so that I can maintain focus on what is most important to me even when I’m not in front of my desk!
Now it’s Your Turn:
This week, I challenge you to go beyond the basics of habit tracking! Dive into your data, ask yourself some 💥power questions, and use your insights to refine your approach. Remember, habit formation is a journey of continuous improvement for the most important person in your life, YOU!
P.S. What insights have you gained from your habit tracking data? Share your discoveries and "aha!" moments with me!
P.P.S. Need help getting started? Schedule a Free Coaching call with me to begin (or refine!) your journey in building habits that last! All you have to do is click on that big button below!