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A program of The Foodshed Network
Advancing Greenwich’s food security initiatives by strengthening 
& leveraging relationships, knowledge and networks.

Thank you again for your participation in the November meeting and survey. It grounded our work with a clear purpose and vision – and we look forward to growing this alliance together.
In advance of the New Year, below find CoP dates for 2025, information about working groups and communication platforms. 
Wishing you a restorative holiday season, a 
beautiful Winter Solstice and the happiest NewYear.
See you in 2025. 


Dates 2025: 1.31, 3/28, 5/30, 7/25, 9/26, 11/21
Time: 9:00 - 10:15am
Location: TBD
Webpage: here (work in progress) 


The survey conducted during the November meeting was anonymous, therefore we did our best in making working group allocations. If you feel that you have been incorrectly allocated to a working group, please let us know. 
Stay tuned for an email inviting you to join  Once you accept the invitation, we will be able to communicate / coordinate via email. We will be in touch in early January to coordinate meeting dates for each working group.
Equity + Access: Demetria, Rob, Brent, Anna, Gaby, Karen
Farm to School: Myra, Beth, Julie, Claire, Rebecca, Ali
Food + Ag Policy: Rachel, Anna, Jan, Ali


GFA webpages: here (work in progress)
Ali + Karen contact: 

(feel free to weigh in!)
“Food is our most intimate and powerful connection to each other, our cultures and to the earth. To transform our food system is to heal our bodies, transform our economy & protect our environment.” 
HEAL Food Alliance
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