the last 
full moon 
of 2024
whats in this newsletter
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  1. Today's Full Moon
  2. A Solstice & New Year's Workshop Set
  3. Emanate: A Business School for Mystics
  4. Card Spread & Journal Prompts for the Full Moon 
P.S. Today is the last day you can book a 1:1 session with me before I close my 1:1 books.
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Dear First name / Mythsfit,
What a strange week it's been. I recently shared some thoughts about how gnarly the energy felt in the beginning of the week and how we can support ourselves through it. And many of you reached out to me saying you were feeling a very gnarly energy early in the week, too.
Maybe it's because Mars stationed retrograde last Friday, December 6th, while Mercury was also retrograde. 
Retrogrades are times the planetary energy fields invite us to slow down, reflect, and rewind in the areas of life these planetary energies play in: Mercury relates to the field of about our communications, and messaging. Mars relates to the experience of assertion, aggression and action. 
It's no wonder we were feeling off and odd while those two planets shifted gears inward. We live in a cultural landscape that prizes external activity, competition, and makes money from literal and mental warfare, sensationalizing information (and misinformation), and creating oversimplified divisive narratives. 
This impacts us on many levels. Narratives are mental constructs. Mental constructs tell the electricity in your synapses where to flow, i.e. influence your thinking, imagination and this then directs some of our body's experience
On top of this, today is the last full moon of 2024. In the sign of Gemini, (which is ruled by Mercury), this moon is joined by Jupiter (the expander), and squaring Neptune (the fog-making dissolver.) 
This makes for a very blurry kind of illumination prone to exaggeration in the realms of communication and feeling. 
It's also interesting to note that Mercury - currently stationing direct -  will be supported by Mars and Venus: Will a small message be delivered to help us through the Mars Retrograde? Will we start to find a balance point between our need to act, and our ability to relate and receive? 
Here are some words from astrologers to help you sit with these questions.
Words from the Collective Field on today's Full Moon:
Jessica Lanyadoo suggests working with this Full Moon to dissolve what no longer serves you. 
"With Mercury in Sagittarius, and Jupiter in Gemini, sometimes the flex is to not know. To be the wise fool who blends intuition with common sense.
Note the breadcrumb trails upon multiple pathways, and be in dialogue with possible options."
Astrologer Nami says, 

“words” hold so much power under this full moon as the ruler mercury stations to go direct on the same day while aligning with mars + venus. words include all the noise we hear in the mind, and all the spells we cast on our own in forms of self limiting beliefs. neptune reminds us to release all those lies + conditioned state of being, we are the dreams of god, the source universe. its time to rewrite our story based on a higher truth.
I shared with my Substack Community that for some of us, December feels like a preview to 2025 energy as a whole - as we take more multidimensional shapes, exploring less linear narratives and ways of thinking - it is easy to be misunderstood. The brave ones communicate without needing to pretend they know all the answers. The patient ones know one to pause. The faithful ones know when to listen. The wise ones know we are all of these, but not all the time.
Overall, reactively falling into the habit of fighting with one another the way the legal and academic systems taught us to feels like a waste of time an energy.
But there is one thing I know about the exhausted mind  … when the mind is tired, we start to open up to a part of us lives outside the rules of logic, (logic relies on historical data, so logic only understands the past.) This part of us is where imagination leads. This part of us feels the future the way we feel it's about to rain despite the weather report's assertion of clear skies.

When we are in touch with this part of us the question shifts away from the linear mind's desire to identify right and wrong, and instead focuses on What creative options birth entirely new timeline options?

Exploring these parts of us and their imaginal instincts is where new kinds of power lie.
Here we can discover future visions do not exalt one form of being above another, but instead see interconnection as innate. With this kind of vision, no one needs to be flattened to be understood. Instead everyone's imaginal capacity expands to meet the complexity of an alive field of potentials.

With Mars retrograde through February 23rd, we are able to get a better understanding of the patterns that create fragmentation and inner turmoil. 
We see these patterns being mirrored outside of us so we can feel the dormant wounds within that want more love, more care, more courage to be seen. 
Everything that feels like a personal problem becomes a collective one. Everything that feels like a collective problem finds its way to our internal landscape. The WE is emerging and from the ME, and with it, a clear understanding of our ability to be an individuated part of a new vision.

What needs to crack so it can be repaired? What needs to rip so it can be mended? 

Where must the band-aids come off so we can accept the task is not to put the same puzzle together with tattered tape, but instead reimagine the picture we are trying to create, while reimagining the individual pieces that make up the whole.
To me, the context behind today's Full Moon, and the Mercury and Mars retrograde is newly seated Pluto in Aquarius, which is a transit we will experience through 2044. 
You can't rebirth the collective without rebirthing the rebel. You can rebirth the scientific and logical without rebirthing the fringe. You can't rebirth humanitarian efforts without rebirthing our understanding of what it means to be a decent human in the day to day of things. To understand what it means to be human, we are confronted with forms of intelligence that are not human, like extraterrestrial life forms, and artificial intelligence. What was once scifi is now life. Notice how helpful it is to have the references of those who imagined entire worlds before they existed?

They left us a hint of how to proceed. 
Below you'll find my offerings and a link to a card spread and journal prompts for today's Full Moon.
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The linear rules of the old world are shifting. The ground beneath us seems to be dissolving and asking us to meet the dormant seeds that lie within us - the talents, gifts, senses, and unique creative perceptions that each one of us steward. You might feel something rising within you that you don’t have a name for yet. How can you tend to something you don’t yet understand? This is what deep listening and magic are for. Join me for a 2-part series: Seeding Visions: which includes a solstice, and New Year's Day Ceremony on 12/22 and 01/01.
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2. Announcing: A Business School for Mystics
Emanating Your Frequency 
I cannot wait to share with you my newest imaginal baby! Emanate is a Business School for Mystics that takes place over 10-weeks with guest teachers who connect you to the holographic ways you can approach your business - from the imaginal to the material. 
This school condenses ten years of curating my own support team and creating my business in a way that emanates my soul and condenses it into 10 weeks.
Get on the waitlist to learn more soon.
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A lot has been illuminated for me in quiet moments of doing dishes. Those mundane tasks have been a more powerful portal to insight than my daily journaling, and to my surprise, quite a few lightning bolts came in about this month, this moon and the year ahead. 
I have created a list of those for you to read here along with a Full Moon spread which you will see at the bottom of the post!
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May the most grounded and expansive parts of you meet in your heart.
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recent digital art projects
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