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An illustrated pink gaiwan filled with amber liquid
the weekly tea
2024 Holiday Hibiscus
from me!!!!
weekly tea: 2024 holiday hibiscus
This is a loose-leaf tea that I blended myself. The reason I did this is because I like hibiscus, because I have a favorite hibiscus tea (from Allegro Tea) and because Allegro Tea was purchased by Whole Foods/Amazon/Jeff Bezos, and I am trying to source my tea from non-billionaires. I have tried a handful of hibiscuses (hibisci? sorry, I know it’s not, but I can’t help myself, in the same way that I can’t help referring to a single onigiri as an onigirus, which is completely wrong on 97 different levels, but I digress) but none of them seem to hit the exact spot that this hibiscus hits.
This was probably my ninth attempt to try and blend it for myself.
Did it work? No. This doesn’t taste anything like the hibiscus tea I was trying to emulate.
But does it taste good? Yes; it had a very interesting flavor (because I added a bunch of elderflower and elderberry). Like most hibiscus teas, it’s quite tart. I explicitly tried to get away from obvious pairs like cinnamon and clove to see what would happen, and my verdict is that this makes a nice hot tea for a cold day when you don’t want to have caffeine.

…and it’s giveaway time!
Since I was mixing this tea myself, I decided to make a large batch, and that means I have about 15 packets of tea to give away as a winter celebration. Since there will probably be more takers than tea, to enter the giveaway, send an email to giveaway122024@courtneymilan.com by no later than midnight on December 20th. 
If you’re a winner, I’ll ask for your address, and you’ll have 48 hours to respond. I’ll try to have it in the mail early next week so that I don’t have to worry about this coming into the new year.
Thank you all for being along with me & the tea throughout 2024!
Ingredient list: hibiscus flower, elderflower, elder berry, oat straw, lemon balm

Until next week!
Image item

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