The famous 15th century Trinity icon by artist Andrei Rublev offers a visual meditation on this passage, depicting the three figures seated in perfect harmony and communion. Their unity reflects the divine relationship of love and grace enjoyed by the Holy Trinity. Rublev’s image invites us to consider the mystery of God’s nature as relational and deeply invested in the life of all God's creation. Rublev’s icon portrays a God who is not distant but intimate, sharing a meal and inviting Abraham and Sarah into divine fellowship and promise for the future. The Trinity’s posture around the table is an open circle, symbolizing an invitation for all of us to partake in God’s life and promises.
May we always be reminded of God’s steadfast desire to dwell with us. Abraham and Sarah’s response to their guests teaches us to extend hospitality—not only to other people, but also to God’s transformative presence in our lives. Like the figures in Rublev’s icon, we are invited to sit and make room for others at the table of God's divine feast of love, Holy Communion, where all our fears and uncertainties are met with God's grace and promises fulfilled.
- Rev. Matt Seegert, Atonement Lutheran - Green Bay