The January 2025 Member Monthly |
This month our topic is How To Manifest. To begin this journey, think about one thing, circumstance or experience youâd like to experience in your life this year. You may already know - it could be the first thing that pops into your mind. If you donât already know, consider a situation in your life that you dislike, that isnât working as well as you want it to and start there. Imagine what your world would be like when this situation gets better or the right thing starts to appear. Take a moment to feel the emotions you would have when youâd experience this reality. Visualize yourself in this new world with the wanted experience unfolding. Imagine as though youâve stepped through a swirling vortex, a portal, in front of you, and in this reality, the thing is happening. What are you wearing? Who is there with you? Visualize waking up in bed in this world. Whatâs happening in your day from the moment you wake up until you go to bed? Take a moment now, relax your body and see this world in your mind.
Bring yourself back into the current moment. Breathe in and out and take a look around the room youâre in. Is there anything from the future vision that you can do today? If so, take a moment now and do it - this email can be paused. This is one practical way I bring future manifestations closer to the present moment. Not everything from the alternate reality practice will be actionable today, so focus on choosing 1-2 pieces from the vision to do. When you use non-physical energy techniques to manifest, inevitably, inspired actions will result and it is often through these actions that your manifestations begin to unfold. In the meantime, scroll down for the supporting resources: |
Jan 13: Full Moon in Cancer Cancer is a caring and nurturing water sign that is ruled by the Moon. Cancerians rule the 4th house of family and home, so this full moon is a great time to release any grudges or outdated emotional beliefs preventing you from being fully present for your household - even if your household is just you! Take this moon to clear away anything in your home space thatâs no longer serving your current path, so you can make space for a more nurturing environment supporting positive self expression in your next chapter. Jan 19: Sun Enter Aquarius On the zodiac wheel, Aquarius governs the 11th house of friendship and innovation. Enter the season of aspirations, all things futuristic, revolutionary ideals, humanitarian goals and social justice. The Aquarian period brings in a time of beauty and warmth, highlighting the possibilities of gathering together for a greater good. During this time, consider groups youâre a part of and think of ways you can work with them for a mutual greater good. This is a perfect window to crystalize ideas for new collaborations and be open to accepting opportunities to work with others on shared dreams. Jan 29: New Moon in Aquarius + Lunar New Year Think of the new moon as an opportunity to turn a new page in the book of your life, but the first new moon of the year amplifies the fresh possibilities. The energy of this new moon is supported by Aquarius, which means those new beginnings will be around your dreams and friendships. Be open to sharing your ideas to work with others to make the world a better place. This new moon heralds in an excellent year to network for the prosperity of all! Jan 30: Uranus Goes Direct Uranus has been retrograde since September 1, 2024. It rules the sign Aquarius and is known as the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, governing the urge to charge and the ability to envision new possibilities. Uranus defies tradition and promotes originality. The changes Uranus champions are typically those supporting a greater level of personal freedom. During the retrograde period, you may have anticipated a change in your life or tried to initiate one - but nothing happened. The retrograde period allows you time to internally process the upcoming changes before the external changes come to be and have long-lasting effects. This means any changes made externally once Uranus goes direct will be more likely to stick. Thankfully, this green light for external change comes right as we complete our journey on manifesting. |
There are commissionable links in the next section; where decks and books are referenced. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. |
There are commissionable links in the next section; where decks and books are referenced. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. If you collect abstract art, this is the only deck in my collection thatâs a mix between cubism and surrealism, so it is unique. Also, when shuffling this deck, youâll notice the main description is on the front of the card with the artwork, and the deeper description is on the back. I like this design for simplicity but you will want to shuffle while looking away from the deck to assure you get a clear reading. Weâll break this reading out in 3 periods: January 1-10, January 11-20, January 21-31. Our question: which manifestation idea is in my highest and greatest good to focus on for bringing in prosperity and success? During each period, mentally focus on that idea during your meditation practice. Inhale and exhale, and letâs focus on success for 2025: |
January 1-10 Which manifestation idea is in my highest and greatest good to focus on for bringing in prosperity and success? I Am Becoming More Aware of My Feelings about MoneyâŚ. When you tell a story about lack, it will create the emotions of lack and the actions you take from this mental place will perpetuate lackful-ness. When you tell a story of what could be, by using words like âitâs getting there,â âitâs closer to where I want it to be than it was a year ago,â âthis prosperous, wanted thing is happening today,â and so on, it creates emotions of possibility and hope, which will inspire different actions, that will encourage a change in circumstance to match that reality. Do your best to tell your story about how you want it to be rather than how it is. When describing your circumstances, reach beyond what has been happening, until you get closer to what may be happening soon. Imagine that every time you tell a story, your body gives off hundreds of little chemicals that amplify the message. When the message is amplified, it is like a smoke signal that attracts to it other stuff that wants to âbondâ with it on that same wavelength. Start to think about ways your reality is closer to your desired reality than even yesterday. This will change your feelings regarding the circumstance. When you change your feeling about the circumstance, it will change the physical and non-physical messages how things will continue to be, which will shift how the Universe responds, to make that reality true. |
January 11-20 Which manifestation idea is in my highest and greatest good to focus on for bringing in prosperity and success? I Can Set My Own Standards for Financial Well-Being⌠Do not let others set the standards for what you should or shouldnât have. Then, when planning your manifestation and when it arrives, donât let others decide what you should or shouldnât do with it. You are the only one who can accurately tell what should or shouldnât happen in your life, and how it should or shouldnât be managed. Your life experience and what you need to align with your soulâs best vibration will be different from others. Instead of letting others guide your wanted experience, get into personal alignment by shifting your thoughts, and telling yourself a different story as mentioned above, then allow the manifestations to flow in.
January 21-31 Which manifestation idea is in my highest and greatest good to focus on for bringing in prosperity and success? I Do Not Need to Have Money to Attract Money⌠You do not need to have the prosperity you desire to attract it, but you canât feel lackful and attract success. These are two different vibrations. The best way to manifest is to look for ways to improve how you feel from where you are, before things change externally. In other words, change how you feel about your current level of success, then attempt physical change. To start, pause your hyperfocus on anything that is going wrong. Shift to focus on some things that have gone well. You want good things to happen. Thinking about a few good things will make your heart happy. When your heart is happy, youâre closer to your state of alignment - which is where you want to be to spark genuine, wanted manifestations. Now you have shifted your emotional starting point by thinking about things that are going well, you're starting your manifestation practice from a much different inner place than sadness over lack, which will change your results. |
Overall Message Start out this month by telling yourself a better story regarding your current level of prosperity and success in life. Tell it closer to how you want it to be. Reflect on ways that you already have these qualities in your life. Avoid using otherâs standards as a metric for your prosperity and success. You can create your own standard of well being, and your benchmarks can be different than other peopleâs. Decide on a few unique metrics for your own standards for success. Bask in celebrating these metrics. Doing so will help you get into a personal alignment and from this place you can magnify this experience towards more wanted experiences. Once there, try to stay there. If you notice yourself hyperfocusing on something going wrong, just for this month, stop. Think of things that are going well. Focus on what is present that is supporting your success instead. This will help you manifest from a different inner place, perhaps helping to guide your focus towards performing different tasks. All in all, to increase your prosperity and success this month, tell a better inner story about your own success. Avoid letting others set the standards for you and stop hyperfocusing on what isnât going well. Instead, shift your focus to what is doing well, and this will give you a new manifesting start point. |
Live Workshop When: Wednesday, January 15th, 7:00 - 8:30pm EST Join us at this event to practice my favorite, non-physical, intuitive manifesting techniques. Weâll also practice manifestation readings - which you can use to give a readee action steps to bring their dream to reality. I love these reading types as they are empowering and supportive. To register, add your name and email to the link above. Registration provides you with your call-in link via email. All you need to participate is internet access and a working audio connection! Workshop registration is included in your Membership subscription, so there is no additional fee to register, but you do have to officially register to attend live. |
Esther and Jerry Hicks Manifestation works through the Divine Law of Attraction, a spiritual principle based on an ages old wisdom that what you seek is seeking you. Over time, manifestation practitioners and believers have found techniques that work better than others to bring what youâre seeking into your life faster. The Essential Law of Attraction Collection is a series of three books: The Law of Attraction, Money, and the Law of Attraction, and The Vortex, which brings these practices into the modern era. While this book series is more than a decade old now, itâs still very relevant to the practices weâll use during this journey. |
Begin this monthâs journey, How To Manifest, by heading to the Member Journey page within The Member Center to watch the Welcome Video and read the Lesson and Exercises! |
Amanda Linette Meder 2025 The Membership |
1623 Salford St #141 Salford, PA 18957, USA |