January Member Journey / Part 3
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Welcome to Part 3 of How To Manifest!
By now you’ve had a chance to use challenges as a spring off point for pivoting to positive thinking, practice visualizing your future manifestation coming to be, and getting into a state of alignment ideal for manifesting.
During the workshop, we practiced one of the key parts of manifestation, which is generating the happy emotions of realized desire. We also practiced visualizing an ideal day in your manifested world, which is important for beginning to build that reality.
You’ve likely already selected the desire you’ve wanted to manifest, and planted seeds through inspired actions to begin to see some results.
However, if you’re still unclear about what exactly you want to manifest or if there are several things you want to bring forward, simply focus on happiness - getting into a space of joy.
As many times as possible throughout the day, practice feeling happiness and be happy about certain things.

Even if not everything is going to plan, there are likely things you appreciate about your current reality. Take some time to find joy in these things.
To continue manifesting, below is the Workshop recording:
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During the workshop we discussed manifesting alongside life’s challenges and we practiced 3 of my favorite manifestation techniques. These exercises can help you hold the energy needed to bring a manifestation forward, and help you see the ways it may already be materializing.

To wrap up this month’s journey, Part 3 of How To Manifest is now ready for you to view ~ 
The goal of this month was to get the ball rolling on a desire you wanted to bring in - to use your spiritual and intuitive intent to call in something important to you. 
You may have already seen signs that your practice is working, but sometimes manifestations can take time, especially for the bigger stuff.
So continue to use these techniques throughout the year to anchor the progress you made.

In February, we’re covering Shamanism.
Shamanism is the practice of trance non-physical healing and channeling, combined. When trained in shamanism, you have the ability to help people facing some of the darker aspects of life, walk through their death and rebirth cycle, and come out ahead.
A shaman can perform exorcisms, reverse hexes and any darker magic that has been placed on a person. This is one of the only spiritual traditions that can handle illnesses caused by dark magic.
When you practice shamanism, you will have to embrace or accept at some point on your journey The Shaman’s Death, which is confronting the door of your own shadows and personal trials and walking in. 
Doing this for yourself is the only way you can do it for others, so experiencing a Shaman’s Death is often an initiation into shamanism. 
I won’t be forcing you into a Shamanic Death during this journey, but before we get started, consider certain times in your life where you confronted a fear or loss, and came out on the other side. You may have already experienced a Shaman’s Death.
If not, the activities within can help support you when the day comes where the Shaman’s Death does come knocking at your door. It’s an experience in your life that causes an old part of yourself that is no longer supporting your path to die - it’s represented by The Tower card in the Tarot. 
Please let me know if you have any questions and in the meantime, happy Lunar New Year,
Amanda Linette Meder
1623 Salford St #141
Salford, PA 18957, USA