Happy New Year!
Why hello there, 2025!
What will this year hold? It's hard to know. I feel like last year was full to the brim with new experiences. I almost need to stop and catch my breath.  How about you?
Around the world, and here at home “change” is happening. So much so that I wonder if there will be a desire for things that feel calming and nostalgic. 
As we embark on this new year, my hope for you is that you find whatever brings you joy and a sense of peace. 
Cheers to you and your 2025 endeavors!!
xx Elizabeth
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Cheers from New York City at Summit One Vanderbilt, which has incredible views

This Month in the Garden
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Let it Snow!
We've already had snow this winter!!
Did you know that snow acts like an insulating blanket for tulip bulbs? It protects them from extreme cold as frost can penetrate several inches to 3 feet.
So, I love to see snow in the garden, as I know the tulips are just enjoying a long & cozy winter's nap!
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Fun Fact!
All the confetti that you see tossed in NYC at Times Square is fluffed and thrown by hand. 
There is an army of volunteers who are making that iconic moment happen at midnight!

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For the best you in 2025

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Courchevel Guide
Six Senses Residences
Baumanière 1850 
Cave de Creux 
Chex Alpage
La Folie Douce
La Soucoupe
Le Bistrot 
Le Cap Horn
Le Chabichou 
Go dog sledding
Hire a ski guide
Party on the mountain
Ski every terrain
Shop all you want
Snow shoe through the forest
Spa to relax
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25 ways to kick start 2025
Buy a new calendar 
Design a bedtime routine you love
Select pens in your favorite color and keep on your desk
Clean out one closet, drawer or room each week of January
Schedule a pickup of your donations
Order new stationery & write more notes
Treat yourself to fresh flowers (tulips!)
Order new towels (I love Weezie)
Go through last year's photos & delete dupes
Update your holiday card list so you are ready for next year
Set out your workout clothes the night before
Get outside every morning as soon as possible
Dabble in a creative hobby
Learn something new (like Mah Jong)
Listen to an audiobook while you do housework or walk
Buy yourself a beautiful candle
Reconnect to a friend who lives far away
Make a reading list with a mix of genres
Make a lunch reservation for Valentine's Day
Fill a carafe of water each night for the following day
Schedule your dentist & doctor appts for the year
Toss old makeup and replenish
Get a pedicure with a fun color
Listen to a new podcast
Start researching or planning a special trip
Write down all you accomplished in 2024
 This year, nuture your inner child! 🤍
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happy new year…  xxElizabeth
LivE Give
20 Thistle Lane
RYE, NY 10580, United States