Sitting in the passenger seat of the Subaru as I type this, it’s delightful to call out highlights of the last 2 weeks with the family contained around me.
Highlights include:
- Visiting with friends passing through California from Thailand, Germany, and Italy and multiple SF people who moved to LA
- A public Hanukkah celebration that featured city fireman FLYING in over the giant menorah to lite her up for night five and then air dropping the gelt from the sky.
- Taking my daughter to the place my husband and I were married so she could see from whence it all began
And, in the midst of it all, I took 2 calls with super-achiever potential clients who wedged in some planning between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Kudos to them for booking calls with me when most of us didn’t know what day it was.
I’ve been feeling happy!
The social scientist
Arthur Brooks – popularly known as the “happiness expert” – identified the habits that bring the happiest life – your philosophical or faith life, your family life, your real friendships, and work that serves others in person.
OK, so I may not serve others in person, per se, but the meaning I find in the work I do is absolutely on point. And this time away hit on every other one of those habits. What luck.
I’m making it a goal in 2025 to continue making choices that support my happiness, starting with making a “living, breathing plan I will continually iterate through the coming year”.
Doesn’t that sound a thousand times more joyful than making resolutions?
My friend, growth consultant and change agent
Judah Kurtz, shared with his community a wonderful document for this year-to-year transition he calls “Looking Back, Looking Forward”. I think it’s incredible!
(And he’s given me the OK to share it with you, too! You can download it below!)
Resolutions feel so absolutist to me. And, as Judah, points out, resolutions are often centered around how people can fix themselves – thus implying that there is something wrong to begin with.
The opportunity to create and further our own personal and professional happiness is right there for all of us, as dynamic beings, to further ourselves on our respective paths.
I am so honored to be on the path with you for 2025!