As we begin a new year, I'm so excited to share that we have our 2025 grantee!
100 Women Strong will be supporting an upstream-focused, evidence-based teen mental health program called Sources of Strength. This national program has been successfully implemented on a local level by the Community Health department at Nemours Children's Health
; however, it needed a boost to scale into more neighborhoods. Through a partnership with the
Boys and Girls Club of Central Florida and with additional support from the
Ginsburg Institute, our 2025 grant will allow this program to expand into more locations,
increasing its reach to an additional 1,200 local children.
I would like to thank our incredible Research and Grants team for the time, effort, and dedication it took to learn more about the mental health impact area and identify a grantee where our annual grant could make the most meaningful impact for local women and children. These women are all volunteer leaders, just like our entire giving circle, with a vast skill set and a commitment to strategic grantmaking that makes me proud to lead this organization! Led by Research and Grants Chair Patricia Burlaud, PhD, but well over a dozen women deep, this team brings our mission-based intentions to life, and we are all profoundly thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you!
We want you to celebrate our 2025 grantee with us!