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Dear One,
I'm currently sitting at my kitchen table, wrapped in the soft embrace of a wool blanket. Outside, it's cold and gray—an appropriate bookend to the celebration and stillness of the past few weeks. Winter has arrived. The new year is here. Everything feels the same, yet everything is different. Life moves in her eternal rhythm of ebb, flow, and transformation.
December unfolded gently around me. Our soon-to-be-earthside baby and I were showered with love by my closest girlfriends in rituals and ceremonies that felt sacred. My husband and I retreated into near silence for three days at a breathtaking hot spring in the Roaring Fork Valley. I lost myself in the pages of a book, we went to see movies, we cooked beautiful meals. 
The holidays mean different things to everyone, but for me, they've become a time for deep reflection and slowing down. The traditions I’ve built offer me the space to let go of daily responsibilities and process everything the year has brought. Now, with just four weeks until my due date, I feel the inevitable change on the horizon. What has sustained me until now will need to evolve to meet the rhythm of the new life that is soon to enter my world. 

In early fall, I was interviewed by Madeline Shields, the founder of Sommer—a shop of considered objects whose aesthetic is grounded in the language of home. Madeline worked with ASW coach and creative Lela Tuhtan in 2024 to support the rebrand of her website and the opening of her brick and mortar shop in San Francisco. Below are a few questions she asked and responses I shared that felt relevant to this newsletter.
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What is something you teach all clients, no matter their path? 
Nervous system regulation. It’s pretty wild that we aren’t taught about our nervous systems or given tools to manage and regulate them from a young age, considering it’s probably the single most important thing you can do for yourself (and it’s free!). Your nervous system is unique, shaped by both your genetics and lived experiences. Learning how to be in alignment with your nervous system empowers you to make intuitive decisions, build healthy relationships, respond to life’s challenges with more ease (and without taking things personally), strengthen your immune system, and so much more.
I love this question because I think modern culture has convinced us that wellness is something we achieve through what we do (and what we buy), rather than who we are. To me, wellness is about being in a continuous relationship with your inner world—remaining adaptable, flexible, and open to the changing emotions, thoughts, and states you experience throughout the day. True wellness is rooted in self-awareness, establishing boundaries, and taking responsibility for your actions and the space you occupy in the world.
It’s about making choices that are aligned with your values, saying no when necessary, and contributing to the well-being of yourself, others, and your community at large. Wellness also means prioritizing rest, stepping back, and appreciating what you have with clarity, awe, and gratitude. It involves taking risks, using discernment, and expressing emotions openly and freely. Ultimately, wellness is a dynamic process of staying present with yourself and your environment, rather than a fixed state or a list of activities.
What daily practices bring you joy? 
Spending time with my husband. Reading in the morning. Going on walks (especially with close friends), letting the sun shine down on my skin. My skincare routine (I live for my skincare routine!). Cooking nourishing meals. Being as unplugged from my phone and devices as often as I can.
I started Sommer the year I had my first child – is there any advice you would give to new mothers who are simultaneously starting new careers or trying to keep up with their existing careers?
I’m currently 5.5 months pregnant, so this question feels very timely! While I don’t have personal experience in this space yet, I’ve coached many women through the transition into motherhood, and one of the key pieces of advice I offer is to resource yourself and proactively take care of your future self. Think about the people, systems, platforms, and support you’ll need to make the shift into motherhood as smooth as possible, addressing both personal and professional needs. Gather contacts for lactation consultants, mental health providers, virtual assistants, and a great accountant—whatever it is that will help make stepping into the unknown feel as manageable as it can be.
It’s also important to acknowledge that motherhood is a profound initiation into a new state of being, and it may take time for you to feel your feet back on the ground. Give yourself a lot of grace and space as you step into this new identity. (Someone needs to send this back to me in the coming months!).
How can one focus on ‘wellness’ while not falling victim to the perfectionist mindset?
I believe focusing on wellness means listening to your inner guidance system as often as possible. You might call it intuition, your inner well, the discernment of your heart, or how the universe sends you signs and signals. Whatever it is for you, it’s about tuning into that frequency and paying attention to what it has to say. Wellness isn’t about adding more tasks to your plate; it’s about making small, incremental changes that support what you need in the moment. Wellness isn’t fixed or static—it changes daily, sometimes even hourly.
For example, I’m currently responding to these questions while on a work trip to Austin. I came here after visiting my brother in the Bay Area, where he’s going through a separation from his wife, and I wanted to support him and my two nieces. Since arriving in Austin, I’ve felt extremely low on energy, and after reflecting, I realized that I’m personally processing the sadness and loss my brother is experiencing. It wouldn’t feel right for me to be vibrant after that visit—especially while staying in an Airbnb and being pregnant. So instead of pushing through, I’m taking it easy: canceling calls, finding a local yoga class, and watching TV in the middle of the day. These are the things that, in this moment, I believe support my highest well-being (which will likely shift again soon).
When you remember that wellness is a moving target it takes you out of the perfectionist mindset and places you into a space of authenticity to where you’re at and what you need. 
Do you see successful individuals challenging the status quo? If so, how?
This is an incredibly powerful prompt. I believe we’re in a significant moment of collective consciousness, where everyone—especially business owners—is being called to show up differently. Success has long been measured by an upward trajectory defined by financial gain, power, accumulation, relentless productivity, and a ‘more is more’ mentality. In my experience, this has led to widespread cultural burnout, comparison, and overwhelm.
To shift this paradigm, we’re beginning to see individuals challenge the status quo and thrive by carving out new paths for all of us. Some people who come to mind are Tricia Hersey, founder of The Nap Ministry and author of Rest is Resistance; Yvon Chouinard, co-founder of Patagonia, who donated the company’s profits to fight climate change instead of becoming a billionaire; Steve Schlafman, who founded Downshift, a de-accelerator for founders; and the platform I co-created at Noria, online courses and community for a new era of leadership and living.

I've written an article on vitality for Patter London, set to publish mid-month. I'll reach out soon to share some excerpts as well as inspiration and education to kickstart your year. 
Resist the cultural push to “dive back in” and instead honor the pace your body’s inner wisdom is asking for.
With deep care,
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PS. If you 
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Allie Stark Wellness LLC
Denver, CO 80211, United States