If I told you it means eating a variety of delicious fruits and vegetables? Don't ask me twice, I love to eat so I am definitely IN!
All you have to do eat 40 different Plants in 7 Days.
An overwhelming percentage of Americans do not get enough fruits and vegetables in their daily diet. That overwhelming percentage is 88%. That's right, 88% do not eat enough produce.
*That also means most of us aren't getting enough fiber.
*That also means our gut microbiome is compromised, leading to digestive issues, immunity issues, and preventable health conditions.
*We are not meeting the minimum dietary requirements for optimal health.
To make this all more positive - let's highlight what happens when you do increase the amount of plants you are eating:
*you need to meet the minimums before you can successfully maximize
*you feel fuller longer
*digestion improves
*positive effect on metabolism
*naturally crowds out the ultraprocessed items alot of us are resolving to remove in 2025
*you will discover some new foods and spices, and new recipes
Basically anything grown in the ground counts - spices, herbs, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, oats, beans. You'll get a detailed list before we start.
Keep track however you want - Notes app, Post It (my favorite), spreadsheet.
Participants who complete the challenge and share their lists will be entered for a chance to win a $25 Gift Card to Whole Foods.
That's right I'm paying you to eat your veggies.
Optional kick off call on Zoom - Sunday January 19, 11:30 an
Challenge dates - Monday January 20 - Sunday January 26