Atiliay noun, a play off the French word “atelier”; a workshop/studio, esp of an artist or designer; my creative space
Notes plural noun, a brief record of facts, topics, thoughts written down as an aid to memory; a short informal letter

Here are a few things to begin 2025 with: the first monthly mantra and artwork to go along with it, a few things to join me in doing this month, and some ideas for the new year. I hope they help you feel inspired and excited for what you're capable of and what the upcoming year holds. Happy New Year :)

Every day is a new day.

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I've been saying this to myself a lot these past few months--it's come up because there have been some rough nights trying to get Val to settle and sometimes I get so frustrated at the situation. It surprised me how much it gets to me and I would like to be more calm and patient. The next morning I try to cut myself some slack, acknowledge this isn't an easy situation, and tell myself that today is a new day to try again and do better.
While these words are common and nothing new or groundbreaking, I picked them to start January off with because it's a great reminder that we don't need to wait for a new year, month, or week to do something--every day is a new opportunity. 
For the artwork, the color yellow came to mind and I also used gold to create an abstract piece for this mantra. I layered watercolor, acrylic paint, and metallic paint pens. It's messy to represent how each day isn't perfect but the yellow represents the sun rising again. I wanted to capture the energy, possibilities, and brightness of a new day!
I liked the idea of making a piece of art to go with each mantra, to immerse myself in it and make it tangible. If you connect with this, try making something of your own that represents what these words mean for you--whether it's scribbling them down in the margins of your planner or making a mini collage using cut outs to tack on your bulletin board or using marker to make a simple drawing or pattern (of the sun / using the shape of the sun maybe?) on your calendar.
“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”
Eleanor Roosevelt


  • Join me for the New Year Postcard Swap A friendly reminder that today, Jan 5th, is the last day to sign up!
  • The Creative Spark Challenge begins this Wednesday, Jan 8th! CSC is a free monthly challenge to help you get inspired, excited, and motivated to create! The goal is to create 1 piece of artwork a month this year and I'll be sharing prompts and inspiration to help you. Learn more about it here. 
    • I'll be sending out an email Wed with the prompts for the month and ways you can interpret them.
    • If you're on Substack and would like to follow along there, you can find me here. (The content I'll be sharing will be the same here and on Substack so you don't need to sub to both but wanted to give the option for any Substack users :))

  • Don't rush on reflecting. From now on I'm going to be taking the first week of January to do this and not feel like I need the previous year to be all neatly wrapped up in December.
  • Make a vision board. Out of sight out of mind so get it on paper and keep it somewhere you'll see every day. I have really enjoyed this process--here are my boards from 2024 and 2023.
  • Pick your word for the year. An anchor, a theme, a focus for you to circle back to.
  • Try this way of planning out the next  12 months from Jesse Itzler. I really love this and am going to attempt to follow!
    • Pick 1 year defining thing to do
    • Every other month, do something you normally wouldn't do--this will result in 6 mini adventures every year
    • Add a winning habit every quarter
  • It is winter and it is ok to slow down and rest. I've been seeing this reminder and I am here for it! Yes to wintering hibernation mode.

Have a good start to your month! Talk to you soon,

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PS: My good friend Archna came to visit during New Years! Here are a few snapshots that include Gig Harbor, a monkey puzzle tree (so cool never seen one before!), troll Bruun Idun at Lincoln Park, and a beautiful mural in West Seattle.


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