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The post-holiday blues… look after your lawn!
Happy New Year and WELCOME BACK!
Welcome First name / fellow lawn addict to another instalment of “The Fulcrum”. 
First, we just wanted to wish you all a happy new year. We hope you enjoyed some time with family and friends. 
We are now back up to date with the orders from over holiday period. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we worked through a huge amount of orders.
Now onto the show! 
Returning from a summer vacation or holiday period to find your lawn overgrown, weed-infested, or suffering from heat stress can be disheartening.
Even if you have missed a couple of applications, with a proactive approach, you can quickly revitalise your lawn. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting your lawn back on track in the shortest possible time.
Ideally, your lawn has been diligently watered while you were away, perhaps by an automated system or the kindness of a neighbour.
If not, restoring proper hydration is the immediate priority. Reintroduce water to the soil with Hydrolink and Fertech Kelpro, start with a period of a week or so of frequent watering and then resume the usual deep watering routine.
Soil Amendments.
This is also an excellent opportunity to incorporate any other soil amendments like UMX and Fertech Bio into your watering schedule. These products will help improve soil health and water retention, aiding in the lawn's recovery. Utilising all forms of soil amendments, in particular Humic and Fulvic acid (UMX), which will help nutrient availability for the grass. Fertech Bio with feeding your microbial population and offer growth stimulation.
Unfortunately, one member (Jonno) of the team had to hire a skip bin over the break, and this was the damage caused. Things like this are common occurrences and nothing to be concerned about. with a bit of patience and following the tips here, it will be back in no time 
After mowing, nourish your lawn with a balanced fertilizer to replenish its reserves. A foliar feed like Fertech Complete, Refine, or Special FeX is ideal for quick absorption. Avoid over-fertilising, as this can burn the grass and encourage unwanted growth
Resist the urge to drastically shorten the grass after a period of neglect. The "1/3 rule" is important: never remove more than one-third of the grass blade's height in a single mowing. This minimises stress and allows the lawn to recover gradually.
Exceptions: If you're undertaking a mid-season renovation, you can cut the grass shorter and follow the steps outlined above for recovery.
Inspect your lawn for areas with poor growth.
  • Light Scarification: For minor issues, light scarification can stimulate new growth.
  • Returfing: For severely damaged areas, consider returfing with new sod.
  • Warm-Season Grasses: Transplant stolon's (runners) with roots attached to effectively cover bare patches.
  • Cool-Season Grasses: Establishment is challenging during this time, so may not be ideal.
For the Addicts keeping up with our Warm season free lawn plans, were approaching Special Fex and for those who use it, Growth Regulator applications.
For the Addicts keeping up with our Cool season free lawn plans, were approaching Special Fex and Phosfighter application.

If you are wanting to take your lawn to the next level, here is the link to our fully personalised superintendent program.
Next instalment.
revisiting insects (hopefully) before the autumn plague. 
Got questions? Get them in via the button below.
Unit 14 7-9 Douro St
North Geelong, Victoria 3215, Australia